Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com
Can there still be any lingering doubt that Obongo, his Globalist handlers, and Sulzberger's glorified propaganda sheet are all "in cahoots" to grind down the American people into 3rd World dependency status? The deliberately fallacious classification of carbon dioxide as a "pollutant" was a trick designed to circumvent Congressional approval for killing the coal industry.
You see, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) cannot make its own laws, but it can crack down on "pollution". Thus was carbon, the very breath we exhale and the "food" of all vegetation, magically transformed into a form of "pollution" that causes "Global Warming".
Obongo the Evil may have broken every campaign promise that his mendacious Marxist mouth ever muttered; but let's give him some credit for fulfilling one 2008 promise (spoken to a friendly Editorial Board) to wreck the coal industry and drive up electricity prices.
Obongo's statement in black; with your intrepid reporter's biting wise cracks in red [the statements in brackets]:
"The problem is, can you get the American people to say this is really important and force their representatives to do the right thing. (you just love using "force" don't you Obongo. Typical Communist)
That requires mobilizing a citizenry. That requires them understanding what is at stake. Climate change is a great example. (Ah yes, us dumb citizens need to be "required to understand" the junk science of non existent Global Warming / Climate Change)
When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would sky rocket, even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. (That's just what a struggling American family needs, higher energy costs)
Because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas—whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was they’d have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money and they will pass that money on to consumers." (And then you'll piously blame the "greedy energy companies" for engaging in "Capitalist price-gauging")
"If we're going to get serious and cap the emission of green house gasses that are causing global warming (There is no Global warming and you damn well know it, you filthy degenerate Marxist LIAR!) then we are going to be having power plants have to figure out how to reduce carbon, because they’ll have to pay penalties (Penalties, penalties, penalties. Spoken like a true tyrant), if they exceed the cap—and that means they’re going to have to change how they operate.
And that means in turn that they’ll have to ("have to"; more control freak language) make investments (code word for throwing money away) that they’ll try to pass on to consumers and could result in higher electricity prices. (not "could result" monkey boy, WILL result)
In the short term, though, the government will help, (Great. Another welfare scheme. Let's call it ObongoElectric) we’re all going to have to be more energy efficient. (Does that mean that you and that nasty looking First Beast of yours will be curtailing your incessant Global joy riding on Air Force 1 & 2?)
We’re all going to have to (have to?) insulate our homes, change our light bulbs...(Yes Master. Your wish is this humble slave's command)"
This "man" is evil. Pure, unadulterated EVIL!