”You’re drawn to the Church because your conscience is seared from your sin and there’s a force compelling you towards repentance.”
Not really drawn to any church except to point out hypocrisy. You’re just making shit up, here.
"And if you have even a single sin to repent for then you need Jesus. (And we all do)”
Sin is a crime against a god. I don’t see any reason to think gods or gods’ judgment are areal. So, no.
“You’re drawn to the Church because God created everything in the universe and despite your attempts to force yourself to believe in some form of atheism or agnosticism and Darwinism”
You know, you guys keep lumping atheism and evolution together without any fucking idea what either one really is. It’s crippling any effort you have to be taken seriously by me. St. Aquinas said the Faithful should keep their traps shut when talking about things they’re not really clear on because the non-faithful will see right through their ignorance.
"you feel compelled to think that there is a Creator and a higher purpose."
No. It really makes no sense as presented so far. Too self-contradictory.
“You’re drawn to the Church because God created you with a God-sized hole in your heart that only He can fill.”
Then it should not have been possible for me toleave the church in the first place, nu?
“And you’ve tried filling it with everything else and nothing seems to satisfy the longing for “more”—even though you can’t yet describe that longing and aren’t ready yet to admit that it’s for God.”
What do you imagine this longing is like? Because it mostly seems to be me wishing the political arm of the Christain Faith would stop trying to inflict their superstition on the rest of us.
“(And it is.)”
and that humbly patting yourself on the back as you stick up for your own self doesn’t help anyone but your confidence.
“You’re on your way friend.”
Every command i was at for 20 years, someone took me aside and tried to ‘save’ me. They were always the ones who ran away. You’d think i’d have been an easier mark with all this internal conflict you detect…
"Humble yourself.”
Hahaha. You first.
“Seek God in prayer with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength.”
DIdn’t work the first time.
“God is already pursuing you, that is why you feel compelled.”
An OMNIPOTENT being is not being successful at converting me? This is one of those ‘makes no sense’ things that keep me from buying into the obvious bullshit.
"You’re the prodigal son. God is waiting for you to come home. Go to Him, He will run out to meet you!”
And yet, his actions mostly resemble an uncaring universe doing fuck-all, leaving all the work to me. Just like always.