Brian S. Holmes #fundie

You’re drawn to the Church because your conscience is seared from your sin and there’s a force compelling you towards repentance. And if you have even a single sin to repent for then you need Jesus. (And we all do)

You’re drawn to the Church because God created everything in the universe and despite your attempts to force yourself to believe in some form of atheism or agnosticism and Darwinism you feel compelled to think that there is a Creator and a higher purpose. (And there is)

You’re drawn to the Church because God created you with a God-sized hole in your heart that only He can fill. And you’ve tried filling it with everything else and nothing seems to satisfy the longing for “more”—even though you can’t yet describe that longing and aren’t ready yet to admit that it’s for God. (And it is)

You’re on your way friend. Humble yourself. Seek God in prayer with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength. God is already pursuing you, that is why you feel compelled. You’re the prodigal son. God is waiting for you to come home. Go to Him, He will run out to meet you!

God bless.



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