David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Fornication is a horrible sin, which has fueled the abortion industry since the 1960's in America. A shocking 83% of all abortions are by unwed mothers![1] By 1973, when the federal government (big brother) stepped in and forced abortion upon all 50 states, 37 states had already legalized abortion. How shameful and evil! And may I say, to abort a child is to needlessly take the life of an innocent human being, depriving them of all the privileges, rights and blessings that God intended for them to have in life. NO ONE has a right to destroy another person's life. The ungodly U.S. Supreme Court, and all Americans who remain silent about abortion, have blood on their hands and are to blame. Our government does what they do IN OUR NAME, and WITH OUR MONEY, so it is OUR BUSINESS!!! Abortion is nothing less than cold-blooded murder!!! I praise God for every young mother, who against every manner of adversity and hardship, still chose to have her baby. GOOD FOR YOU! AND GOOD FOR BABY! Praise God for responsible mothers!
By the way, having an abortion doesn't make a woman unpregnant, it just makes her the mother of a dead baby!!! I am not condemning any woman who has had an abortion. There is forgiveness through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. When You Hit Bottom (MP3 by Dr. Jack Hyles, “The everlasting arms are at the bottom of sin tonight!”). God wants to forgive you, and He promises to, but only on the basis of what Christ did through the cross to pay for your sins. There is no forgiveness any other way! Sadly, in Russia, MOST mothers murder their baby by abortion!!! What a horrible crime against God and humanity!
If I were a king with unlimited power, I'd burn every Planned Parenthood center to the ground. You'll find that in many places abortion clinics are unmarked, so that the public would never suspect humans are murdered there. It is reminiscent of the horror movie starring Charleton Heston called, “Soylent Green.” In this film, the government is taking dead people and turning them into food for the living. Of course, it is all done in secret, hiding it from the public. In reality, sicko companies have been caught using aborted babies to enhance food flavor! If you think that is bad, hospitals in Europe have been using aborted fetuses for fuel to heat their hospitals. The shocking movie “Soylent Green” is now a reality! SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!! ABORTED BABIES ARE BEING USED FOR FOOD AND FUEL!!! Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) is so right: The world has gone insane and the inmates are running the asylum!!! Scotty, beam me up!
The entire abortion industry would virtually disappear overnight if Americans would stop fornicating, shacking-up instead of getting married. A shocking 83% of all abortions are by unwed mothers![1] Only 14% of married woman have abortions.[2] The most common reasons given (which are all irresponsible excuses) are lack of money, trouble in the relationship, too much pressure and being a single parent.[2] The truth is that all those women need to GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! There is no excuse for murder. You dropped your pants, now take responsibility for your behavior. That's the big problem in America today, people are not held accountable for many of their horrible decisions. People get away with lying, cheating, stealing, sexual immorality and even murder! My intent is never to scold anyone who has messed up, but to keep those who haven't messed up yet from doing so!