kragshot #fundie

The vast majority of men do not want to be involved in a sexual relationship with a child. But more and more young girls are placing themselves in situations of sexual access with older men and rather than coming up with a means to stop these girls from doing this, everyone wants to just blame the men who get caught up in the unfortunate situation.

Based on my personal and real-life experience working in high schools with at-risk children and at anime conventions across the country; for every one guy who is a genuine, dyed-in-the-wool "candy-snatcher," there are two other guys who just got caught in the trick bag by some promiscuous young thing.

Let's be real intellectually honest with each other, okay? It isn't all like "To Catch A Predator" out there. Not all of these girls are telling men that they are 13-15 years old. 15 can look like 21 with little or no effort today, especially with females. It's no longer Tatum O'Neal or Jodie Foster anymore. Miley Cyrus and Lindsey Lohan were teens chasing after older men and nobody thought anything of it or if they did, their viewpoints were patently ignored. The common opinion was that "they were just being girls."

You have countless young girls watching music videos, reading adult erotica, and being told by the mass media that they are sexual beings and that they deserve the right to express that sexuality with any male they choose, including adult men. They are exposed to all of this material and because of this, they do know how to attract and seduce a man of any age. They know how to push those buttons and pull those levers and claiming that they don't is utter denial.

Let's talk "Twilight" for a second. The character of "Edward Cullen" is not a 16-year old heartthrob; he's a 140 year-old man with the face of a 16-year old...but millions of young girls want to be "Bella Swan" not just because Edward is a vampire, but he also represents "the exotic older gentleman who will come and sweep them off of their feet."

But we live in a society that refuses to put these young girls in their place and remind them that they are still children. These young girls (and boys) are in such a rush to be adults and we are doing nothing to slow them down. This isn't only about grown men wanting to fuck little girls; this is also about little girls doing everything in their power to get grown men to fuck them.

Why don't we have more women's groups out there teaching these young girls the truth about their behavior and convincing them that if they truly want to experiment sexually, they need to do so with boys their own age? Instead of investing in education and esteem for these girls, all we do is put stock in blame and shame against the decent men who get caught up in a bad situation.

Here's a riddle: how do you tell the difference between a candy-snatcher and a male victim of underage sexual deception? *

Easy; the male victim is the one who is already in tears about the unfortunate situation before the police show up to arrest him....



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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