Mack Major #fundie

A woman isn't mentally or emotionally designed to have multiple sexual partners.

When a woman has sex with a guy, the act of him entering her allows his life force and energy to enter her as well. That man’s life force and energy then becomes a part of that woman’s emotional and mental character.

The more of a man’s life force she takes inside of her, the more like that man she becomes. She starts to take on his ideological outlook on life, and begins to reflect the essence of who that man is. This in part is what the bible means by two becoming one flesh.

That’s why you can always tell when a woman has been with low caliber men. She’ll take on the persona and low level of energy of those men she's been with.
A woman by divine design becomes a reflection of her man. *Genesis 3:16* Whoever is sexing her on the regular, that's the person's mindset and ideology she’ll eventually become most aligned with.

And when she has multiple sex partners, she has multiple competing spiritual forces fighting inside her soul for the dominant position within her life.
This duality within her ultimately leads to confusion. I know some of you ladies think you can do what men do, but you have to put on your grown woman pants and think like an adult. It’s time out for thinking and acting like irresponsible teenagers.

You can’t do what we do. And we can’t do what you all do. Our bodies and minds were designed differently to fulfill God’s greater purpose.

This doesn't excuse men either for having loose sexual behavior. The bible makes it clear (and science corroborates) that when a man and woman join together as one: they become ONE flesh. *Mark 10:8* Think about that fellas: how many women have you become one with in your lifetime?

It's a scary thought, especially when you consider all the spiritual fall-out that can happen from allowing the energy of different women to join up with yours.

Some of you right now can't seem to get your life on track, and you can't figure out why. You have strange pains in your body, or trouble holding down a job.

You no longer sleep well at night. Your business has suddenly stagnated. Or maybe your finances never come together the way you need them to.

It's because of those unbroken ties with females from your past. Some of those women you had the pleasure of banging were filled with demons: and because of that sexual act now those demons have permission to torment your life too.

Sex is a very real, very serious act of sharing power. And we shouldn't treat it like kids playing with matches and gasoline.

So ladies, it’s time to stop lying to yourself about women being 'playas' like men. The only one who ends up being played in the end is YOU. And fellas: it's time to treat sex like it's more serious and precious than life or death itself. Because for many of you: it really is.

Many a man is suffering the torments of hell this very moment, all because he refused to gain control over his penis when he had the chance to. Now his lust has become his eternal torment.

If you don't control your penis, some woman (and the demons working through her) will destroy you THROUGH your penis. The same goes for you too ladies. Do not
allow your legs to be the open portal that allows demons into your sacred space.

I advocate a strong healthy regimen of disciplining one's life by the teachings of Jesus Christ found in holy scripture. Not to be religious: but because IT WORKS!

The very thing many of you are running from or avoiding entirely is the very thing you need most to get your life on the right track.

Stop running and give God a chance. And watch your life transform in ways you never thought possible.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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