SolarSon #conspiracy
Long time ago, hundreds of thousands of years ago or longer, mankind did not exist in physical form.
In fact we can go as far back in time that it goes beyond all of the physical creation.
God did NOT create the physical universe. People already existed BEFORE the physical universe. It would however be more correct to call the people of those times for "angels", in the sense that they were not physical, but spiritual beings.
There were even different "races" and "beings" in those times, it was "Good" and "Evil" as now, but not in the extreme form we can see today.
The Human race, were innocent back then, still good and pure at heart, mind and soul. They were playful, adventurous and exploring their existence.
People had an incredibly strong connection with each other, since they were pure spirit in form, and all was telepathic and empathic. They had never heard of "evil", never experienced it in any way, it was not part of their existence at all.
But, Evil DID exist, just in outer reaches of the Universe of that time - and in contrast with the Human race, that Evil race was completely opposite, much more so than the worst form of Evil we can see or experience here in this form today.
Back then, both those Good, the Human Race, and those Evil, for lack of good terms you can call them Reptilian since in effect, the ones called Reptilians on Earth now relate to these - they were both immortal in form, with eternal progress and development in state of individual awareness. No death, no birth, and no reincarnation.
The Human Race were a race of givers, of lovers. While the Reptilian race, were a race of takers, of destroyers.
Whereas the Human race would give each other what they needed and desired, the Reptilian would take it from each other - and anyone in their path.
At some point, as both the Human race and the Reptilian race were expanding their territories , they came across each other.
This was the turning point starting the downfall of Mankind - as the Human race now encountered a terror that was so great, that they had no preparations at all for what came. Evil of such proportions we can't even imagine it now - and the Human race of that time had never seen any form of Evil at all, they were pure good, and experienced Fear for the first time.
The Reptilians , coming over the Human race, were addicted. This may sound incredibly strange, but they did in fact get addicted on Human Souls - this because they consume the energy of the Souls.
Souls are basically the Food of the Reptilians, and they favor Souls of specific energy patterns or "tastes" so to speak. One such "taste" is that of Fear.
The consumption of Fear-filled Human Soul-energy gives a form of intoxicating rush and satisfaction to the ruthless Reptilians. This is why you often hear about Human sacrifices in the conspiracy-scene, and this is WHY such occurs in physical form in our days , it dates all the way back to those original events.
This is also the reason for the extremely negative state of the world, with so much famine, wars, violence, terror, etc - the world is kept alive, in physical form, to feed the hunger of the Reptilian controllers. They lust for the Human Soul-energy, and they lust for Power.
And what happened back in the time they first encountered each other, the Reptilians and Humans, was that the Reptilians gained utter control and enslavement over the Human race, which had no way at all to defend itself, they had never had any reason to defend themselves.
The time before this, can be connected to "the Garden of Ede" of the Bible. It was all pure bliss and love and harmony back then.
So let me fast forward a bit since it is too time demanding to go into all the details -
Eventually the contact between the Reptilian race and the Human race resulted in something more, a completely new experience for both races. This was an unexpected "side-effect" of these two different forms coming together, metaphysically speaking.
What happened was the materialization and spawning of the physical. This was caused by the mixed spiritual energies of the two opposites, the Reptilian race and Human race.
The Reptilian race, who were and still are very intelligent, took advantage of this discovery to create new denser levels of existence within the Sphere of Existence they were already living in at the time, along with the Humans.
With this they found a new way to further enslave the Humans, who had started to rebel at this time and fighting against the Reptilians. The Humans did not longer let themselves be oppressed as they had been for so long.
The Reptilian race created, by manifestation, a whole new Universe of physical matter, one that they could rule and be in charge of completely. They created worlds, planets, rules, laws, their full own system.
And having figured out the nature of the Human race, they knew how to persuade the Human race so they could gain more control over them. They understood that Humans wanted to be free, individual and their own Masters. Thus they created a World for in which to live the Human race, at least the ones they could lure into their own creation.
They created a World that was beautiful enough, one that was attractive, peaceful and tempting. They created all the physical, and the systems on how the physical life played out, and laid it out in such a way that the Human Bodies they created could support the consciousness of the Human Souls and thus function as a vehicle for the Human consciousness to exist within.
Doing that, they had set up a perfect place for their prisoners, their slaves. And now they put into action a new plan, which was to stage an escape of the Human race from the Reptilian capturers.
Of course, the Humans did not "escape" - they simply moves down into an even tighter controlled "concentration camp", called Earth.
Since the Reptilians were in control of their own design, the Human Bodies, they now had a very effective way of controlling the Human race that shifted their consciousness into the Human Bodies. As I mentioned earlier, this includes the spiritual aspects of the Human body such as the Third Eye, the "remote controlled Mind Control system" so to speak.
It also includes the laws of Reincarnation and Karma, which also were created by the Reptilian race to control the captured Humans.
The Physical brain of the Human Body was also designed in a way to make it easy to control. As an example, it was made so that it is easy to put into a trance, Hypnosis exists because of this Reptilian implement in the physical brain. Hypnosis is simply a way to quickly and easily control a Human (or many at the same time) without even the need of a direct spiritual-mental influence through the Third Eye.
As mentioned earlier, further Mind Control and Brainwashing techniques were implemented in the Reincarnation process, as they made sure to create humans to only live a few years at a time so they never could properly progress or come to know themselves before they would die and be "reset".
And we can see the result of how effective their methods are, considering people are still here on Earth, life-time after life-time, since the dawn of those times
There is much more to tell, about all the time that passed between "now", and "then" - the very beginnings of physical incarnation on Earth, and I will try detail that a bit more later, but I will also get more into real practical things on how to better get back into OWN control of Life, Destiny, Death & After.