Despite my best efforts to convince him, my husband has forbidden me from contributing anything at all to this project.
Not only has he made it clear to me that I'm not to add any more content to this encyclopedia he wants me to delete the sum of the edits I have made thus far.
I told him that once the edits are made I had no control or rights to have the edits rescinded. He accused me of not being willing to submit to his authority as the head of our household...after much prayer and soul searching I came to the same conclusion.
While it breaks my heart, I must ask that the entirty of I Samuel be deleted.
I sincerely pray for this wonderful project, I ask the Lord Jesus Christ to continue using this blessed venue to unceaselessly proclaim the Truth and to fight the forces of evil that subvert the righteousness that (once) made America great. It is only with God that our country can ever have a chance to reclaim the souls of our children.
Blessings upon you all and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ.
There ya go, be a good little subbie. Don't you dare think for yourself, just follow the 4000 year old rules that consign you to a walking baby factory/cook/maid.
Sounds like you deserve each other.
"Gawdamn, woman! Ah's tole ya not ter be puttin' yer damn feminist lies onna mah website! Naw get in dat kitchen an' make me a sammich!"
Seriously though, it's Conservapedia, she couldn't really make it any worse than it already is. She seems delusional and her husband sounds like a real control freak. Onoma, you are right. This is just sad and pathetic. I don't understand how people (apparently willingly) live like this.
Oh Margie, that would explain why this "wonderful project" looks like a parody. He doesn't let you to post, not because he's your husband, but because you're a total idiot, and so is he.
I notice in her demand to obey her husband she gives zero consideration to the fact that others have contributed to the article. Apparently, she wants them to submit to her husband too.
Then again, if I were to post something on there my husband would probably demand I remove it as well. He would also take me to the nearest psyche ward to try to determine what the hell happened to my brain.
A poe is a parody. If the woman that wrote this was poe, for example, she was making it all up for laughs, or a point, or something like that.
It would be helpful if someone could tell me what a troll is, I haven't figured it out yet.
Something completely unrelated; this website was blocked by my school, but a complaint unblocked it. How awesome is that?
Margery please call a crisis helpline and get yourself and the kids out of there. There are many types of abuse and if he hasn't hit you yet it's only a matter of time. On a side note with the right therapy you will also see thru your delusions as well.
Sometimes it's hard to believe this is 2008.
I think a troll is someone who just posts to agitate - stir things up.
Trolls are people who say stupid/ignorant/offensive stuff on purpose in an attempt to make other people angry and incite overt flaming.
This kind of behavior doesn't faze me for whatever reason, all it means is we have one less dolt on the internet spreading their crap around. As long as she's shut up and her nutty husband isn't posting anything on the same caliber of insanity, I'm fine with 'em.
What a good gal. You feminist bitches ought to take a point from the closest thing to an articulate broad I've seen on the internet.
Sorry girls, the LORD just didn't make women as intellijunt as men.
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, the husband obviously hasn't made it to the current century. On the other hand, this is one less contributor to Conservapedia, which has to be good.
He accused me of not being willing to submit to his authority as the head of our household...after much prayer and soul searching I came to the same conclusion."
Why do I suspect these are euphamisms?
Prayer: Beaten senseless.
Soul Searching: Kicked around the house.
Anonymous wrote: "Hey sorry Im new to this what is a poe exactly?"
Poe's Law is the theory that it is impossible to create a satirical parody of fundamentalism that is too obvious to be mistaken for the real thing. So when you see someone here on FSTDT "calling Poe", they are claiming that the Fundie is not real.
I'm not sure what to think of this. On the one hand, the Campbells clearly need to join the 21st century. On the other hand, how married couples handle their relationship is not anyone else's business. I guess I'll give this one a pass, and breathe a sigh of relief that I'm not a fundy "helpmeet."
Antichrist: But BDSM is just roleplaying and fetishism. This sounds like the real deal, which is spousal abuse. Some assume she is being physically abused, which is the natural conclusion to jump to. This Margery chick isn't normal. If she is not being physically abused, then by the very nature of her post she certainly is being abused emotionally.
"It would be helpful if someone could tell me what a troll is, I haven't figured it out yet."
The term comes from fishing. Trawling (or "trolling") involves hanging a large fishing net out of the back of your boat, and then moving through the water, catching whatever fish happen to run into your net.
An Internet troll, by comparison, is fishing for responses in a thread. Any responses. It doesn't matter whether anyone agrees with him, as long as people respond. He casts his "net" usually by posting something contraversial or inflammatory, and then sits back and watches the circus that erupts in his wake.
The easiest way to discourage a troll is to ignore him. Hence the expression, "Do not feed the trolls."
And how do you know she isn't consenting to this?
Wouldn't it be cruel to take a woman like this out of her home and tell her that she was being abused, so therefore she must spend the rest of her life in abject poverty?
Anyway, I see nothing in this quote that states that she's being abused. She is following her religious tenants to submit to her husband.
Fun Conservapedia fact:
Conservapedia has no entry for vagina . Searching for such redirects you to an article titled "Human reproduction" which is less than 250 words long.
Within those 250 words, the following do not appear:
Sexual Intercourse
Umbilical cord
In-vitro Fertilization/ IVF
Artificial Insemination / AI
'She is following her religious tenants to submit to her husband.'
That's the sad part. The 'tenants' are sexist, originating in a time when women really had no power in society. She's letting someone else control her. She is either deluded due to her 'love of God' or was raised to 'submit' to men.
I don't see how anyone can't see this as being horrible. It's the same as if people thought they should 'submit' to another race of people based on racist 'religious tenants.'
"... I'm not to add any more content to this encyclopedia..."
"While it breaks my heart, I must ask that the entirty of I Samuel be deleted."
Wait, I thought he was writing an encyclopaedia, but it looks like he's just writing another version of the bible. What a waste of time! You should be glad you're off the project. This way you can get more cleaning done around the house for your manly husband.
[/sarcasm; no surprises there]
I really have mixed feelings on this one.
On one hand, a woman should not have to submit to her husband.
On the other hand, a silenced fundie is a good fundie.
This is more sad than anything. She made a contribution to Conservapedia (which is, admittedly, kind of like throwing some more fruit into a compost heap that will be dumped onto children rather than used to fertilize a garden, but whatever), he told her to take it down, and she *actually did it* after begging him to let her keep it up. That doesn't sound healthy.
..said Marge again on Conservapoodia.
Y'know, Mrs. Campbell, the term 'Paradox' will have to be redefined , if it's etymologically possible. Only MC Escher could possibly visualise the multi-dimensional contradictory position(s) you've placed yourself in, that'd give the best combined contortionist/Yoga/Shaun T's 'Insanity Workout' practitioner pause.
Those forces of evil you speak of, they are people who infringe on and restrict other people's rights. Like your husband or, perhaps, former husband.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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