Senate democrats apparently just condemned Rush.,2933,298999,00.html
I could care less what Satan and his liberals condemn.
Well, then, since you don't care, I suppose you won't get mad at me if I condemn every single fundie on the planet.
You're all going to burn in hell, SCUMFUCKS!
Hm. Since the phrase usually goes, afaik, "Satan and his angels", does this mean liberals are angels/demons? Angelic or demonic powers could be pretty cool. Now if only I knew how to get them to activate!
Satan condemning Rush Limbaud?, God is reclaiming his part, you know, after being thrice divorced, an adulterer and a deliberate liar. Come on man, people have ALWAYS been critisised, it's not new.
I could care less what Satan and his liberals condemn.
If you don't oppose them for their actions or policies, what rational justification do you have to oppose them?
Yes, because a slanderer/druggie/adulterer/triple-divorcee/liar is such a shining example of what a good Christian should be, right?
Because of COURSE Jesus would never condone evil liberal ideas like peace, tolerance, helping the poor, aiding the sick, or showing respect to other people.
Who the fuck cares, dave? Everybody condemns that asshole-with-lips.
Everybody with a healthy autonomous intelligence, that is.
Well, he did support sending young people do die in another country, then called them phony.
So yeah, if liberals are satanic for condemning hate, I'm an ultra-liberal then.
Yes, because progression(ism) is such an evil thing...
Also, Rush is a horrible example of a "good Christian" and is, for lack of better words, a moron who simply acts as a neo-con propaganda mouthpiece. He deserves all the bad press he gets.
PS: Does being a "demonic liberal" mean I can burn people alive simply by thinking about it? If so: please direct me to the White House, I have a date with the President.
The guy watches FOXGOPNEWS and listens to Rush, any brain cells he's ever had were long ago killed by stupidity, braiwashing, and GOP propaganda. Well actually if he submitted himself to those liars he probably didn't have many to begin with.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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