Mack Major #conspiracy

You'll never understand why Putin - the leader of Russia - is hated so much by the press in America if you don't first understand:

1. who runs the press in America

2. the revolution that recently took place in Ukraine

3. Russia's invasion of the Ukraine and Crimea

4. the fact that thousands of Jewish people have been leaving Israel recently and moving back to the Ukraine

5. the fact that Putin made a bold decisive move to stop that from happening

6. the fact that Ukraine/Crimea and Russia are part of the biblical Gog and Magog

7. who the 'Ashkenazim' are

8. how Donald Trump's election was an unanticipated - dare I say 'divine' interruption in the plans of globalists

9. who the synagogue of Satan are - referred to by Jesus in Revelation 3:9

Without a proper and clear understanding of these things, nothing that's taking place in the news regarding Trump, Russia or Putin will make any sense to you. And if you're not careful you'll be guilty of allowing #1 on this list to control how you see and view the world.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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