"And then IRON MAN came and go BSSSHHAAAA *sucks in excess spit* and then and then then... Darth Vader takes his LIGHTSABER BSCHOOOOOO *breathes in deep* and then and then they EXPLODE and SMASH into the earth all ike KRAAAAKOOOW *sucks in excess spit*... Daddy... why aren't you listening?
You sound like a fucking child talking about saturday morning cartoons you fucking shit for brains retard."
Meh. Those craters on the Moon, AV1611VET?:
It was not long after Alv had merged (using her S-Class ability 'Absorb') with the Nouvlesse terraforming/transforming ship/mecha 'Deucalion', that she warped from Aineas (the GOTT's base planet) to Earth (the homeworld of the galactic ruling cadre, the Nouvlesse), to exact her revenge on her previous masters.
But before then, to test her newfound form - and abilities - she punched the Moon, using it as a planetary punchbag, if you will. And that's how said craters were formed. As shown in the second to last episode of the anime documentary series "Kiddy Grade". Hey, one fiction's just as good as another, amirite?!
(*pats AV1611VET on head*)
Now you go back to your 'Biblical model of the Universe' pop-up book (with pull-tab interactive 'Firmament' features) by Kent Hovind dear, the adults are talking.
"Anyone remember waaaay back in the day when that Giant Monkey climbed up on that skyscraper in New York? It totally happened. It has been thoroughly documented by multiple sources
My sources: King Kong (1933), King Kong(2005)"
There was also the 1976 remake by Dino De Horrendous:
But in this case, Kong didn't climb atop the Empire State Building, but the World Trade Centre.
Which brings to mind the anime "Read or Die", in which there's scenes of the WTC (but then this 3-part series appeared just before 9/11). And in an episode of aforementioned "Kiddy Grade" - released in 2002 - the GOTT HQ collapses (after attacks by Alv, as part of her revenge plan; the GOTT are the puppets of the Nouvlesse), in scenes some have said reflect that atrocity.