"As I said, if God put women to work in the trenches & put
Adam in the home with a pink apron on, they'de of been
whining and moaning that they didn't have the cushy
house job and take that over instead."
And if in WWII, women hadn't worked in the factories making vital war materiel - guns, tanks, vehicles, planes, ammunition, and in the shipyards; certainly on the farms, producing food to keep our troops & populations going, you'd be living in a very different world today, Nadiine. Indeed, you probably wouldn't exist.
Three Words, pal: Rosie the Riveter.
The fact women did that important work, thus ensuring the Allies won WWII, therefore proves you, the Bible, and God wrong.
Womens suffrage*, and equal rights, ensured (and to this day) our freedom and democratic rights. Equality for women today is a small price to pay for their mothers' & grandmothers' life- & world-saving work 66 years ago.
*- Even for their work in WWI, meant that the establishment had no choice but to give women the vote.