[ "I'm in favor of allowing loved ones visit loved ones in the hospital, particularly when they are near death, out of a sense of Christian charity." ]
Oh, what a joke that is: "Christian charity" ... by the lawsuit-wielding, never-satisfied homosexual activists??? Every aspect of the homosexual agenda is non-charitable and selfish. [Bold original]
So much for that "love thy neighbor as thyself," and "bless those that curse thee" crap.
Conservapedia. Do unto others before they do unto you.
True Christian charity as demonstrated by Andy Schlafly - again.
Is Schafly really an American name? It looks Germanic to me. Dass glaube ich mit allem meinen Herzen! Aber es is ganz SCHreklich! Oder vielleicht SCHreichlich?
Or perhaps he means Shaftly? Or even Schlaflich (Sleepy). Oh, who cares! His name is synonomous with the idiocy his views.
Ok guys, who lost his copy of the Pink Manifest and let Andy read it?
@Xotan: (As a German) my first association as I read his name was "schlaff" ("flaccid"). Seems to fit, if you know what I mean.^^
Yeah, because denying homosexuals the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital out of pure spite and blind hatred isn't selfish at all, right, Schlafy?
As are heterosexual people who want to visit their cousins, best friends, fiance(e)s, and roommates in hospitals, apparently.
Has Shlafly considered that the charity mentioned in the post to which he is responding was meant to be Charity on the Christian's part rather than the homosexual's? Hence using "Christian charity"? That is, he considered it to be charitable to allow the homosexual visitation rights, not that the homosexual exercising those rights was charitable?
Sure, that view is quite patronizing, and conflates charity with "Human Decency," but it seems to be what the actual statement means. Plus, specifying charity as being "Christian" is usually meant to disguise that decency as if it were something really special anyway.
Yes, it's plain to see that your hatred of homosexuality trumps your capacity for reasonableness. compassion and humanity. In fact, it seems as though your hatred of homosexuality outweighs everything else and directs your life's purpose to such an extent that you come across as a gnashing and driveling idiot.
I used to loathe Andy, but still kind of pity him. I mean with a mom like that, what chance did he stand?
I think I'm starting to just unrepentantly despise him with this.
Every aspect of the homosexual agenda is non-charitable and selfish.
This coming from a camp characterized by gleeful malignance.
The next time some religious person tells me I can't possibly have morals because I'm an atheist, I'm just going to link them to a random Conservapedia discussion.
Wha? What was that? Oh, it's Andy again...
And you want to respond in kind, or what?
Hello, the whole meaning of Christian Charity here, is that you show those "never-satisfied homosexual activists" that famous Christian Love, by including all the loved ones of a dying person, for the sake of the dying person.
Every aspect of the conservative, fundamentalist/evangelical 'Christian' agenda is non-charitable and selfish.
Evidence of the above is OVERWHELMING, especially when you look at the sociopaths in the Rethuglican Party who pander relentlessly to scum like Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers, and others (did I miss any?), and their connection to conservative 'Christian' creeps such as Andy Schlafly & Conservapedia, D. Joseph Kennedy, Rev. Joseph Scheidler, Rev. Don Spitz, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Ted Haggard (oops, he's one of the homosexuals Andy the fool so hates!),Lou Sheldon, Don Wildmon & other fundy scum.
Well, first off the quote makes it clear that the gay rights groups are the recipients of, not the providers of "Christian charity". This already renders your point moot, but your apparent anger at the selfish nature of wanting hospital visitation rights is staggering.
And yes, every aspect of the gay rights movement is selfish. As is any civil rights movement, because they're trying to get personal freedoms. These are socially acceptable however, because what they're trying to get the rest of us already have. So if you want to play that point you'd better get ready to argue that no one should have marriage or hospital visitation rights.
Of course, that's all FAR less selfish than trying to deny a group of people rights that everyone else has out of pure spite.
Last time I checked, you're the Rand-worshipping "free market" capitalists who oppose medicine for the poor. If us gays have an "agenda", it's probably just to redo your curtains, honey.
"Every aspect of the homosexual agenda is non-charitable and selfish."
And every aspect of the Conservative, right-wing Fundamentalist Christian agenda is overflowing with the milk of human kindness and selflessness; infinitely more so than the Unitarian Universalists* and Quakers eh, Andy Schaftafly.
*- Read it & weep, Conservapoodia:
"Or perhaps he means Shaftly? Or even Schlaflich (Sleepy). Oh, who cares! His name is synonomous with the idiocy his views."
I refer to him as 'Schaftafly', and for good reason. All his 'anti-everything not as he wishes it were' rage within him denotes he has a penis so small, he can only fuck insects with it.
You are quite the vile person, Mr. Schlafy. Can't you see the irony in what you're saying. Christians ARE supposed to be kind, loving and charitable. You think your own religion is a joke?!
Every aspect of the homosexual agenda is non-charitable and selfish.
Yes, how dare they want to have the same rights everyone else has? Shame on them.[/sarcasm]
In all seriousness, the only selfish one I see here is you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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