David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
I've been predicting for years that we'd likely see more attacks in the United State to further a Police State takeover. And so it is! I became suspicious of the nature of the Boston marathon bombing the moment I heard that a 'terror drill' was announced prior to the bombing. The same terror drills were used as a cover for the 2007 London bombings. Unbelievably, Rudolph Giuliani was present in London when and where the bombings took place. The same war-games 'terror drill' was used as a cover for the 911 World Trade Tower attacks in 2001. All three bombings were accompanied by 'terror drills.' Confirmed by eyewitness: Bomb squad drill was under way at Boston marathon.
If you’re looking for the truth about the Boston marathon bombings, don’t bother reading the mainstream media. The mainstream newsmedia work for the globalists. The real breaking news is found in the alternative media, where Anthony Gucciardi of StoryLeak.com just did an on-the-record interview with Alastair Stevenson (a University of Alabama cross-country track-coach) who heard law enforcement telling the crowd, “It’s just a drill” immediately after the explosions.
The globalists (Illuminati) love to mock the stupidity of the public. In an eerie Family Guy episode aired just weeks PRIOR to the Boston marathon attacks, Peter Griffin is depicted detonating TWO BOMBS with his cell-phone at the BOSTON MARATHON!!! Coincidence? The chances of such a coincidence is astronomically improbable!!! This is really bizarre!!! Here's the video on YouTube by Paul Watson of Infowars. Truth is stranger than fiction! The globalists mock us with the 911 Memorial. It is sport to the wicked to do mischief. Proverbs 10:23, “It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.” Secret Societies love to brag about their control over humanity, laughing at our woeful naivety and ease of being manipulated.