Now back to the song—Chicago. In this song you will hear the repeated phrase, “The town Billy Sunday couldn’t shut down.” What a wicked thing to say about the man of God!!! Maybe Billy Sunday couldn’t shut Chicago down but someday GOD WILL!!! What did Frank Sinatra accomplish with his life for God? NOTHING!!! He chased women, drank booze, gambled, danced and sang his life away for the devil—wine, women and song!!! Frank Sinatra spent his entire life glorifying the very sin and evil that Billy Sunday fought so hard to clean up. You could say, “Frank Sinatra put a great big knife in Billy Sunday’s back.” Let me tell you, Frank Sinatra wasn’t worthy to shine Billy Sundays shoes!!! Billy Sunday did so much for God. I wouldn’t want to be in Frank Sinatra’s shoes for all the money in the world when he stands before God. What a sad testimony!!! Sinatra had such a wonderful talent and could have used his voice to the glory of God—instead he used his voice to serve Satan and promote alcohol, gambling and dancing.
Billy Sunday was a bigoted slimebag.
I recommend Negativland's reworking of his words: "Christianity is Stupid/Communism is Good," on the "Escape from Noise" album.
Fail! There is no God. No God to judge you or anyone else when life ends. So live life like Frank. Wine, woman and song - what a great recipe for the one life you have,
What a miserable little prick you must be.
Still insane I see. You will never be cured. You don't want to be cured. You enjoy your arrogance and egotism too much; preferring to cling to your insane delusions rather than face-up to your inadequacies and inferiorities.
However, I think you should consider how stupid and ineffectual you are. Your delusions have driven you down to become a base and rabid man-thing. You now inhabit a twilight zone where you are the personification of filth and wretchedness and you have condemned yourself to a lifetime of foul and inhuman indecency.
In short, you like being an arsehole and an evil scumbag.
I'm seriously starting to wonder if ol' Dave isn't actually the best Poe out there.
Regardless, we should thank him for the hours of entertainment he has brought us with his hilarious rants.
David, can I recommend a money saver for you? Make a website of all the things in this world NOT filthy and sinful. Sure you won't get to rub one off for each diatribe of how evil and immoral your enemy du jour is, but it'll save you bucketloads on the bandwidth. Not to mention...ah, I don't know how to put this delicately, so here goes. WEBSITES OF PEOPLE FROTHING AT THE MOUTH AT ALL THE THINGS THEY HATE ARE, AT BEST, DEPRESSING, AND AT WORST, REEK OF SOMEONE SHINING UP THEIR AK-47, AND LOOKING FOR A NICE TALL CLOCKTOWER.
Hey, you're lucky you ain't a chick. I'd beat the absolute shit outta you, ya pansy. Just like that bald Mick broad. Oh, and by the way, Billy could work a lap dancer with the best of 'em. He did her hiiiiiiiiiiiiis way.
Generally my reactions to these comments are WTF or a mix of WTF, your an idiot.
Somtimes though, a comment will come along which is so utterly stupid, you can not help but laugh.
Yeah Billy Sunday couldn't shut down Chicago. Chicago is the city where my immigrant great-grandparents got their start, and Chicago is my favorite city in the US. Preachers can't break the spirit of people from Chicago! *fired up on behalf of my relatives who were proud to be living in Chicago*
...dammit I want to go back. I miss that city. :(
"Sinatra had such a wonderful talent and could have used his voice to the glory of Godinstead he used his voice to serve Satan and promote alcohol, gambling and dancing."
Reminds me of the time I chided a couple classmates for wasting a really awesome boombox by playing gospel on it.
What did Frank Sinatra accomplish with his life for God? NOTHING!!! He chased women, drank booze, gambled, danced and sang his life away for the devilwine, women and song!!!
That sounds like a great life to me!
And I've been following Old Blue Eyes example in my own life.
[What a wicked thing to say about the man of God!!!]
Billy Sunday is god now?
[What did Frank Sinatra accomplish with his life for God? NOTHING!!! He chased women, drank booze, gambled, danced and sang his life away for the devilwine, women and song!!! ]
And what has Mr. Stewart done for god? NOTHING! He sits on his computer all day and bitches about gays, women, and the public school system.
[instead he used his voice to serve Satan and promote alcohol, gambling and dancing. ]
"Sinatra had such a wonderful talent and could have used his voice to the glory of God"
Those fingers clasped in prayer
That stern stay-thither stare
Don't strip those ankles bare
It's churchcraft...
Nah, doesn't quite have the same swing to it.
He chased women, drank booze, gambled, danced and sang his life away for the devilwine, women and song!!!
Anansi is proud. He thinks you're a tit, though.
"Now back to the songChicago. In this song you will hear the repeated phrase, “The town Billy Sunday couldn’t shut down.” What a wicked thing to say about the man of God!!! Maybe Billy Sunday couldn’t shut Chicago down but someday GOD WILL!!!" So wait, you admit that Billy Sunday couldn't shut Chicago down, but you're objecting to the notion that Billy Sunday couldn't shut Chicago down?
look, if "fun" in every way we know it is sinfull, then heaven must be a really shitty place. really, this is an actual question; is there some clause where all these puritanical rules are suddenly lifted when you pass through the pearly gates, or do you still have to be pious and abstinate? cause if you still can't have any fun, then what makes it heaven? sounds really boring, or really horrible to me.
hell on the other hand is where all the party animals have gone, and Satan runs the place... it would seem the kind of thing he do to spit in gods face, to have a party of pure awsome from now to eternity. even if there is a little fire and whipping every now and then it still sounds more fun than heaven.
vince wrote:
"look, if "fun" in every way we know it is sinfull, then heaven must be a really shitty place. really, this is an actual question; is there some clause where all these puritanical rules are suddenly lifted when you pass through the pearly gates, or do you still have to be pious and abstinate?"
The usual story I've heard is that when you're in heaven, you're basking in the glory of God, which is supposed to be better than the best sex, intoxicants, and endocrine rushes you've ever had, combined.
They'd throw 72 virgins into the mix too, if the Muslims didn't already own the Copyright on that idea.
Good ol' Dave. Still making his ridiculous and judgemental assertions. Sinning away, just like Sinatra!
Get some love and forgiveness in your life Dave, and be more Jesus-like!
Old Viking: Given how little I know about Billy Sunday, beyond his sharp-line Temperance inclinations, I don't follow the point. At least, in whatever ways Sunday was dissimilar from Jack Hyles (although...wasn't Sunday a supporter of women's suffrage? Too bad about his apparently low opinion of Slavic/Mediterranean immigrants...).
F.S. : Hi, I'm Frank Sinatra and I'm dead now because of my life of exuberant hedonism.
B.S. : Hi, I'm Billy Sunday and I'm dead now. I don't know what the fuck happened. I prayed everyday, I was pious, I exercised, I didn't mess around. Fuck!
I saw Frank being chauffeured past my church every day with seven women snorting cocaine off his cock everyday; bottle of whiskey in one hand, fingering two girls with the other!
Oh, Lord! I've wasted my life! Frank got 82 years, I only got 73! FUCK!!!
@ ClockworkBunny
Wow... an anti-Sinatra post. I confess this is a new one for me.
I never cared for Old Blue Eyes myself, but somebody worshipping Billy Sunday? Now I have to wonder if DJS is anybody's hero?
*Stereotypical Aussie Accent*
"Struth Davo! Sound's pretty crazy mate."
(I like to be the stereotype Australian sometimes, it's somewhat less insulting than the stereotypes for other nationalities)
Sinatra I have heard of. He was very good in From Here To Eternity and Guys & Dolls.
Billy Sunday I never heard of, until I read this thread.
1 - nil to Francis Albert, there, I think.
Mr. Stewart,
Kindly quit playing God, quit judging my Chicago, and save what's left of your dignity and shut the fuck up, you wanker.
P.S. You like Billy Sunday? Hmm, wow, Dave, I don't know-I've heard somewhere that he was a *Freemason* (dun dun dunnn!) and we all know they're just as bad as 'teh gheyz!'
Haha, that Sunday bloke isn't even a real link in the Swedish Wikipedia, just a red one, as in "no-one has found this subject interesting enough to write anything about it yet, will you be the first?"
Sinatra, on the other hand, has one looooooong page dedicated to him. Not that I'd bother to read it. Oh, he sang and danced. As far as I know he didn't kill anyone. The women who married him probably knew what they went into (oh, Nancy perhaps didn't). End of story.
I don't understand what's so wicked about saying he couldn't do it, when in fact he didn't do it.
"Frank Sinatra wasn’t worthy to shine Billy Sundays shoes!!!"
Neither are you David, you kiddy-diddling nonce. I reckon the songs you listen to are "I'm the Leader of the gang (I am)", "I love you love me love", and "Do you wanna touch me", eh?
Just as Gary Glitter fled to Vietnam, you went to Guam, after all.
"Sinatra had such a wonderful talent and could have used his voice to the glory of Godinstead he used his voice to serve Satan and promote alcohol, gambling and dancing."
At least 'The Chairman of the Board' wasn't a paedophile. Projecting much, Dave?
@ Dr. Quasius
Interesting thing about Billy Sunday; the preacher character in "There Will be Blood" was based on him.
I've always thought that Elmer Gantry was also based on Ol' Billy, too. Well, so many of those hypocrites are cast in the same mold...
[What did Frank Sinatra accomplish with his life for God? NOTHING!!! He chased women, drank booze, gambled, danced and sang his life away for the devilwine, women and song!!! ]
And what has Mr. Stewart done for god? NOTHING!!!!!!!! He sits on his computer preaching aganist Frank Sinatra for chasing women while HE HIMSELF ENGAGED IN SEX WITH A MINOR AND GOES ON A DATING WEBSITE THAT PROMOTES ADULTREY TELLING WOMEN HE'S DIVORCED AND LOVES ROCK MUSIC!!! HYPOCRITE!!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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