Maybe if we just do whatever the terrorists want, and smear K-Y jelly in our nation's collective a**hole and bend over for the likes of Osama bin Laden, then they'll leave us alone!... No thanks, I'd rather have the Patriot Act.
There was a time when I was naive enough to believe that no one would ever actually come out in support of the Patriot Act. I mean, that's like being for rape, or kicking puppies, right? But apparently, when you spin it so that the only conceivable alternative to the Patriot Act is being collectively raped by Osama bin Laden, than yeah, I guess people might warm up to it a bit.
It's too bad those are our only two options. Oh, wait...
What was the quote? "People who choose to surrender their rights for temporary security will lose both and deserve neither?"
There was a time when I was naive enough to believe that no one would ever actually come out in support of the Patriot Act. I mean, that's like being for rape, or kicking puppies, right? But apparently, when you spin it so that the only conceivable alternative to the Patriot Act is being collectively raped by Osama bin Laden, than yeah, I guess people might warm up to it a bit.
It's too bad those are our only two options. Oh, wait...
What was the quote? "People who choose to surrender their rights for temporary security will lose both and deserve neither?"
There was a time when I was naive enough to believe that no one would ever actually come out in support of the Patriot Act. I mean, that's like being for rape, or kicking puppies, right? But apparently, when you spin it so that the only conceivable alternative to the Patriot Act is being collectively raped by Osama bin Laden, than yeah, I guess people might warm up to it a bit.
It's too bad those are our only two options. Oh, wait...
What was the quote? "People who choose to surrender their rights for temporary security will lose both and deserve neither?"
First, how is this fundie?
Second, since when is wanting to limit government authority considered "liberal?"
@BCD: if you're not a goose-stepping theocratic fascist who fellates wingnuts, you're automatically a liberal, whether you're Democrat, Libertarian, socialist or whatever. At least that's how I've come to understand the usage of the word "liberal" by administration cheerleaders. I'd say he's a political fundie, but I've heard this exact same rhetoric coming from the Rapture-Ready types, too--the same ones who will be up in arms over the insane powers the government has approved for itself should anyone but a conservative Christian Republican win the presidency.
We could solve our energy crisis, simply by connecting Benjamin Franklin's spinning corpse to a generator.
Do what Osama wants, like pull troops out of Saudi Arabia (Bush did this), attack a secular dictatorship that Osama hated and feared (Bush did this too), eliminate those rights in the Constitution that Osama finds objectionable (Patriot Act)...
Yeah, really helped during the Boston Marathon Bombing, you double tongue piece of shit (and yes, if we're going to call names then let's go all out).
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers that neo-cons claim to love
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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