"Pawns in the Game"...? Did you by any chance notice that Carr takes the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion at face value? Oh, and he was a Catholic; given how Stewart thinks, you'd think he'd be looking at Carr with some measure of aspersion for that."
David J. Stewart: Hypocrite or Poe? You decide.
But if the latter, then he's a dedicated one, even though Stewart is a convicted paedophile he still thinks Matthew 7:1 gives him carte blanche to be a douchebag cunt - and continue to sin. Now, what was it that your J-man said to Mary Magdalene after he'd saved her from death by stoning by the rabid - and judgemental - mob, o Davey-boy...?
...oh yes, that's right: 'Go and sin no more'. Yet, you - who claimed to be saved - still sexually assaulted that girl, thus you given that legal rap on the knuckles by Guam's courts. No, Davey-boy, you are the sinners. And then Mr. Stewart was a deep-fried fundie. [/meme]
Matthew 7:1, Davey-boy, Matthew 7:1.
Despite what your Constitution states (1st Amendment), you don't have the right to even have an opinion about anything, least of all use such as an excuse to be judgemental about anyone else - least of all when you yourself have committed an extremely heinous crime yourself, when time and again you fundies always claim that 'America is a Christian country'; seems that you obey your own Scripture when it suits you, certainly what it says, re. Romans 13:1-5. Yes, very selective, aren't you eh, fundies...?
You certainly ignore Scripture when it becomes a little too inconvenient for you: Matthew 7:1, which conflicts with the 1st Amendment/ And haven't you condemned America for being a sionful country; and what it stands for, nay, is based on: Freedom, as per the US Constitution.
The cake may be a lie, but you're trying to eat that too.
Moral: The phrase 'Hypocrisy, thy name is fundie'. It exists for a reason. And you are the reason why it exists, Davey-boy.
Further proof of your hypocrisy: You can't answer e-mails due to 'medical concerns' So why doesn't that 'bad back' of yours stop you from continuing to type out your unjustifiable bile, vitriol & venom against the rest of the world, just because it won't conform to how you think it should be? You tell me.
...or is it because said 'rest of the world which won't conform to how you think it should be' asks questions that are a little too inconvenient for you? Thus is your worst sin, Davey-boy: Hypocrisy.
Something that's a little too inconvenient for your own good: relying upon something written by a Catholic - William Guy Carr - when you yourself regard Catholics as spawns of Satan (or words to that effect). But there's that hypocrisy of yours again; oh, Catholicism - and all it's adherents - is the work of the Devil, but when one of such Satan-spawn comes up with something that is convenient for you, nay, you can quote-mine from to try and justify your own unjustifiable way of thinking, then...!
Hypocrisy is addictive. Once you start, it's impossible to stop being one.