i have one question. How is one to compete or try to reach out to people in all places especially school when all they feed us is huxley's " Brave New World" or Oscar Wilde's " Picture of Dorian Grey" . how is one to show the irrationality of those books and the message they potrary, to pinpoint the flaws and errors in thier secular philosophies? When the bible is not even mentioned or even thought of. We must have to battle intellectually just for the very existance of god! my point is thinking critically, or LOGICALLY in away that makes sense and point toward the CROSS
Just for that, I'm cutting the tops off of all the crosses I see. After all, they have to take the form of the letter T after Our Ford.
So what's the betting that Nikito wouldn't get what I'm talking about? Do you think he ever completely read either of those books?
my point is thinking critically, or LOGICALLY in away that makes sense
Okay, i can do that.
and point toward the CROSS
What does thinking logically have to do with pointing to the cross? Do you get +1 intelligence when pointing at crosses?
Em... for the irrationality of the books, they're *fiction,* not true, they aren't supposed to be entirely rational.
And there's really no errors in philosophies; some flaws may logically occur, sure, but there's really no room for major errors.
Whoa there... you don't actually think that Huxley was PROMOTING the ideologies & practices of the World State do you, Nikito? Perhaps you need to reread the novel.
And as to Wilde's "Dorian Gray," one would think xians would appreciate the message that vanity and excess are very bad things.
Oh, wait. Perhaps you didn't read either book and are just pulling titles out of your ass to sound intellegent?
There is a problem. Books like those make you think and, by thinking you get GOD. That is thinking logically and critically. Reading a book that claims that raping virgin captives is ok, or that a snake speaks is the total opposite, if one hasn´t got the critical instruments to see it through. Moreover, if you don´t read them, you can´t critisise them and so, you never get anywhere. Thinking critically is having an open mind, something you don´t have.
Er... "Dorian Grey" was about how man's vanity is his downfall. And "Brave New World" was about the need for diversity.
Did you even read these books, Nikito?
Do you even read the Bible, which is full of murder, genocide, rape, incest, and torture - all condoned or committed by God?
Religious overtones do not guarantee a good read. Anyway, they're just stories. If you don't like them, don't read them. Nobody is forcing you (despite your attempts to force YOUR book on others).
We must have to battle intellectually just for the very existance of god
Should this not perhaps tell you something? Maybe, that the existence of your god isn't an intellectual, logical, verifiable fact?
Geez, I wrote a paper in my senior year of high school about how there was a very Biblical lesson in The Picture of Dorian Gray . But, of course, Nikito has not read this work b/c someone told him that since it was included in the curriculum it must be of the teh debbil.
Uh, it has been a while since I have read it, but isn't "Brave New World" kind of a warning against the type of world portrayed in it? I don't think Huxley was actually advocating it...
Yep, Dana.
And Picture of Dorian Gray was even more Christian. The author was living one life before others, and another when no one was looking (struggling against his homosexuality.) He couldn't live up to the Christian ideals in practice and was eaten up by it. (In the fine tradition of Tolstoy.) Also Oscar Wilde produced at least one of the finest Christian fiction stories ever written (about the Giant and the garden.) Tolstoy, produced another - about a visitor. This poster is nuts.
I fail to see what is so irrational about either of the books he mentioned...they are both excellent works of fiction.
As opposed to the Bible, which is a long, boring, mediocre work of fiction.
For the love of your helpless gawd, why don't you actually read the books you mentioned? Because, as others have pointed out, their message is far from evil: while secular, both books are warnings that even christians can appreciate.
Niki, you don't know squat. Stop trying to lecture people who do.
I read "The Picture of Dorian Grey" on my own, and it's a really good book. What school did this person go to, I wonder?
There are actually a lot of good messages that one could interpret from the book if you'd care to read it, Nikito. Lord Henry does in fact spout a lot of secular philosophies, including those that deal with art. It's rather ironic, given that the book details the negative consequences that can occur when one values art more than human life. And since Dorian's portrait represents his soul, wouldn't it represent a spiritual conflict that could fit well with Christianity?
But of course, this nitwit will probably try to burn these books anyway and then move on to Harry Potter, if he hasn't done so already.
Dorian Gray, WTF? Really? Isn't that book actually kind of Christian-ish? Vanity, and all that?
Oh, it's cause Oscar Wilde was Teh Ghey, right?
"especially school when all they feed us is huxley's " Brave New World" or Oscar Wilde's " Picture of Dorian Grey"
Not just those, but in English we read and discussed many of Shakespeare's plays, and especially Orwell's "1984".
Ever hear of schools which use only one book as it's definitive textbook, and the centre of it's curriculum - just as what you're suggesting (and is happening today via fundy homeschooling) The kind seen in Pakistan & Afghanistan? They're called Madrassas. 'Nuff said.
Reading books other than the Bible works wonders in making you think critically & logically. And now you know why I'm an Atheist.
Knowledge is Power indeed.
"We must have to battle intellectually just for the very existance of god!"
Yeah, good luck with that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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