Melton #fundie

My parents, who are now deceased, were in a prophetic ministry. My Father pastored several churches and was also a traveling evangelist. When my parents were in their twenties they were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

At night, when they would first go to bed, an Angel of the Lord would enter the room to teach them God's Word. My brother was a little boy and shared their room at that time. My brother would see the room light up with a white light. My parents would see the angel. They described the Angel as being so tall that he would have to bend over to fit in the room. They said he was nine or ten feet tall.

The angel would explain scriptures to them and answer their questiones. My parents ministered from the 1950's thru the 70's. America was visited with a mighty move of God's Spirit in the 50's and 60's, after that the church entered a lukewarm state.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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