Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

I will tell you some secrets for no other reason than to jade my family. I am of the bloodlines.

I am also a member of this site but I am not going to log in or tell you who I am because I will only get harassed constantly about the things the families do and from people wanting secrets.
Also I am on VPN of course.

Now on to the fun part.

Did you know the products you buy all have spells put on them in the warehouse before they hit store shelves? There are people who are paid just to do this. Everything you see at Walmart has been charmed or hexed accordingly. Everything. Big rituals done regularly to every shipment of goods.

Walmarts and Walgreens have catwalks for snipers and sections of building that are removable to accommodate machine gun nests.

FEMA camps are for whatever we need them for. They were built just in case. They are even designed to protect families and employees of the upper echelon if need be. Think of it like a kennel to protect their favorite pets until they can pick them up. They are purposed for over a dozen completely pre-planned out initiatives. Yes some of those purposes are killing people.

Oreos have nicotine in them.

Free energy is real and largely solar. It is the easiest to implement world wide but there are other methods of free energy as well. The trick to making solar efficient and powerful is very simple. It will come out eventually. We all use it.

Illegal psychology, sociology,pharmacology, occult magic and technology are the instruments used to make the music being played to control you. All in concert. A layered affect is the means to its usefulness. It creates a cacophony that people can not identify. They lack the scope of logic to understand what is happening to them.

The future of technology is largely magnetic and vibrational as well as specifically audio vibrational. Vibratio can be used to tell spiders what shape to build a Web in for instance. Vibration is nature's language. The universes language actually. Other planets speak to us using vibrations. The planet itself I mean. Aliens talk to us with lazers that have messages encoded in the light.

All top celebrities and politicians involved in the occult have eaten human flesh as a form of initiation to them and a means of blackmail for us. They are cannabils. We do not partake in this. We simply let them believe we do.

If I am not banned or deleted I will return.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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