Mrs. Rachel Pendergraft #fundie
99.9% of all preachers in any country on any continent have no business speaking or teaching in the church. My 10-year-old daughter is more qualified than these are. She knows from where our white race came, that our lord and Savior was a Judahite not a Khazar Jew, that race mixing is wrong, abortion is murder, and homosexuality is an abomination. She knows that men are to be good daddies and providers and women to be mommies and teachers of our children; the U.N. wants to destroy and control white nations, non-white immigration is ruining our people, and the right to own and bear arms should never be given up as its our gift from God - if we can keep it and that above all we must focus our energy on love for our people. Do your children know these things? If not why? If you are a parent, it's your job. And if they don't know these things, forgive me if I hurt your feelings, but you have failed as a parent and should immediately begin to correct the situation.