
KKK #racist #fundie kkk.bz

Are you doing a report for school about the KKK?
Many young people come to this site because their teacher has asked them to do a report. Some of you have been assigned this subject. And some of you have picked this topic on your own. Before you do your report – there are a few things that you should know.
You would be lucky if your teacher happened to be a Klansman or Klanswoman, but the chances are they aren’t.
I mentioned the bit about your teacher slanting the history because we believe in Jesus

Rachel Pendergraft #fundie kkk.bz

Furthermore, as America becomes increasingly polarized and white people begin feeling the full force of non-white hatred, they won't care about the alleged "violent" past of the Ku Klux Klan. The one thing they know for sure is that the Klan stands for white people. When they begin to realize that the alleged violence of the Klan of the past was in fact lawful executions of murderers, rapists, and child molesters, they will understand that it has been an anti-Christian force in this nation that has tarnished the once immensely popular and beloved Ku Klux Klan. They won't care what the agenda driven entertainment media has to say about this truly Christian and family oriented movement. They will only stop to consider...NO ONE is speaking out on behalf of my white Christian heritage and family...NO ONE but the Klan!

The Knights Party #racist kkk.bz

Successful Trip to D.C.The trip to Washington D.C. was very successful in that we were able to meet a wide variety of men and women who work in the law enforcement profession during “Cop Week.” National Police Week is a week long law enforcement event in D.C. and the surrounding area where thousands of police representing cities, counties, and states all across America come for seminars, memorial events, and fun.

Time and time again we heard the frustration of good cops who have a dream for a safer America. And like you, many of them are fearful of the type of future their children are going to have when America ceases to be a white majority Christian nation. And that day is fast approaching.

We worked to let them know that we share their concerns, that we aren’t a fringe hate organization as groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center like to imply and that we represent a core group of honest, sincere, and dedicated men and women working for a return of Law and Order in America.

The Knights Party #racist kkk.bz

Attention To Those Seeking Klan Affiliation
The name “ku klux klan” is in the public domain. This means that ANYONE – ABSOLUTELY ANYONE – Can say they are in the ku klux klan, are the leaders of the ku klux klan, or can start a group or club called the ku klux klan. The national media doesn’t help the matter any because they often – unethically – use stock photos of robed and hooded figures, crosses on fire, or pictures of nooses when doing a story on the “klan”. Occasionally, a journalist will do a story about some nutcase calling himself a Klan member or leader and rather than do their homework, they will illegally pull photos or shots of our website to go along with their “news” piece. Our legal department is looking into this.DO NOT be fooled! The Knights Party is a legally recognized, white rights organization working to promote western Christian civilization – This means LAW and ORDER! We do not offer gun training. We do not promote violence – EVER! We do not have secret rituals – EVER! Our conferences are open to the public and media. Our spokesmen and spokeswomen do not speak anonymously with the media – We are who we are. They know our names and our faces. The only thing private about The Knights Party is YOUR association – a right that we have won before the U.S. courts! We are men and women who love our families, Jesus Christ, and America. We are working to make a difference for our people and to bring hope back to the land! Sign up today!

Mrs. Rachel Pendergraft #fundie kkk.bz

99.9% of all preachers in any country on any continent have no business speaking or teaching in the church. My 10-year-old daughter is more qualified than these are. She knows from where our white race came, that our lord and Savior was a Judahite not a Khazar Jew, that race mixing is wrong, abortion is murder, and homosexuality is an abomination. She knows that men are to be good daddies and providers and women to be mommies and teachers of our children; the U.N. wants to destroy and control white nations, non-white immigration is ruining our people, and the right to own and bear arms should never be given up as its our gift from God - if we can keep it and that above all we must focus our energy on love for our people. Do your children know these things? If not why? If you are a parent, it's your job. And if they don't know these things, forgive me if I hurt your feelings, but you have failed as a parent and should immediately begin to correct the situation.

Mrs. Rachel Pendergraft #racist kkk.bz

The non - white races of the earth will not be blessed until they come to terms with the fact that the begotten children of the living God are to him a "peculiar people" to be his royal priesthood - a called out people. Can a non-white follow Christ - certainly? The Caananite woman is a good example. She asked Christ to heal her daughter, and Jesus said to her "Is it right that I take food from MY children's table and cast it to dogs" and she said "Yes, my lord, but the dogs eat the crumbs from the masters table." And he said ye are of great faith and THEN healed her daughter. In other words - they must know their place and from this knowledge will come their blessings, but never while they usurp the position of God's holy people

Shelby Pendergraft #fundie kkk.bz

Shows such as, "That's so Raven" is about a black girl who can see into the future. The "Proud Family" is about a proud black family. (What about a proud White family?) And there is also "Sister Sister" about two black sisters. All of the characters on these programs are proud blacks and they have plenty of white friends and sometimes white boyfriends.

Other shows that really promote race mixing are "Brace Face" and "Fillmore". There are even shows about witchcraft.

The "Wonderful" World of Disney recently put out a movie called "Mean Girls". It promotes homosexuality, race mixing, bad language, and unChristian behavior for girls (and boys). Of course, the mean girls in the show are the ones against the wonderful lesbians. And the star of the show's first crush is a black boy. No doubt her parents encouraged it. (poor girl to have such un-thoughtful parents)

The children that watch these shows will grow up thinking that it is ok to race mix. Some of them will probably date or marry nonwhites.

thomas robb #racist kkk.bz

It has happened! Yes, it is just as we expected and have suggested for months. Is the election of Obama shocking to us? Not at all! We have been telling our people that unless white people begin sticking together this is exactly what would happen. Still 39% of white women and 41% of white men voted for him. They believe they live in a color blind society. But he received a land slide majority vote from non-whites. Apparently they voted according to race.

The ones who will be shocked and blind sided are those who will one day be awakened to what they have done!

But those of you who are now awakened - this is your opportunity to begin the process of sticking together.

The president elect now stands as a symbol to our people throughout this nation that change is indeed coming. What will it mean for those who are being disenfranchised from the very nation purchased by the blood of their forefathers? It could mean an awakening of our spirit and blood. Every time the television shows an image of Obama it will be a reminder that our people have lost power in this country. We actually lost that power 40 years ago, but with a white president people would go to sleep thinking at least white people were still running things. Now there is no reason to believe this. The betrayal will stare them in the face each time they watch the news and see little black children playing in the rose garden.

Are we angry that 97% of blacks voted for Obama? Not at all! They voted what they felt would serve their best interest. They voted for Obama because he is one of them. But white people who foolishly rejected the future security of their children only heard the sound of the piper.
So we have to admit that this may be the best thing that has happened to us. It perhaps comes as a wake-up call to the sleeping giant deep in the heart of our people.

So don’t despair! Don’t be discouraged! We have been saying this would happen. We have said that there is a growing subtle hatred for our people. This has not been a battle between Republicans or Democrats. This was not a battle between liberals and conservatives. This is a race war - a culture war - being waged against white people. As more and more non-whites come into this country the hatred for the founding people will grow.

The Bible says, "When my judgments are in the land the inhabitants of the earth will learn righteousness."

If you think it is time for white people to start sticking together. If you want to do something to help provide a future for you children then you need to become part of a movement working for our people. We are not asking you to hate anyone! We are not asking you to commit an illegal act. We are not asking you to hurt anyone. We just want you to love your people and do that which your forefathers did - give your children a bright future.

White young people who are celebrating Obama's victory, stop and consider you may not agree with us but you have to admit we were right about one thing. We have said that there is the calculated design to get into the minds of young people and turn them away from loving our people. Every time you reject your white heritage you prove once again we were right.

I ask you, What is so bad about loving your people? Black people are proud to love their people, why aren't you?

Rachel Pendergraft #conspiracy kkk.bz

[Note: for full effect you *must* read the entire trifecta tirade - about how Toltecs and Aztecs are secretly Hebrews and Norwegians.]

Additional evidence could be offered to show that the civilizing force upon both the North and South American continents is of the white race. Wherever they have traveled, they have raised up civilization.

It is quite accurate for the non-white people of Mexico and South America to make the claim that they were here before the white man - afterall the white man and woman (Adam and Eve) came from the Tarim Basin and Mesopotania region. However, it is equally inaccurate for them to make any claim to our South Western states because it was once known as Aztlan. Aztlan it once was - but it was not of their creation. After the white man and woman left, the great cities, highways, temples, market places, scientific centers, and essentially all civilization eroded until the white Spaniards came to find a destitute, blood thirsty, cannibalististic people who had not advanced one bit since the founders of their cities had left them. The battle of the Alamo settled the reconquering of the South West or Aztlan. It was reconquered by the people who had made it great once before - the white man!

The Ku Klux Klan #racist kkk.bz

I, or (we) ________________; residence is (are) ______________________hereby request that my or (our) child(ren) (state names of child(ren) ____,___________________,_______________,_____________

for the purpose of raising my (our) child(ren) in an appropriate, loving, stable, and moral family request and desire my (our ) child(ren) be adopted and or have a guardianship placed over them in the event of my (our) death that qualifies as a Caucasian Christian, heterosexual. It is my (our) intent, desire, and wishes that my (our) child(ren) never be placed in the home or under the guardianship whether temporary or permanent of any individual or group of individuals who are not Caucasian, Christian, and heterosexual.

Rev. Heslip, Klansman #fundie #homophobia kkk.bz

The growing number of homosexuals is due to their practice of no longer staying in the closet. When they keep their lifestyle choices private, it is between them and God. God will choose when and if He will place conviction upon their heart.

However, when they make their choices public, the Bible tells us that it then is no longer between the sinner and God. Homosexuality is contagious. Of course, I realize that statement may sound insane to some and homosexual activists will make fun of it. A person does not "catch" homosexuality as they would the common flu bug. But homosexuality is a mental depravity that has severe consequences for society and its social acceptance IS contagious. It is increasingly viewed by even children as a legitimate form of a romantic relationship that should receive God's blessing.