bluecollarCEL #fundie
[LifeFuel] I'm so glad I was in HS before Social Media took off. How did you youngcels make it without roping.
I graduated HS right as Myspace was starting to become popular.
Not that many kids were on it. And cell phones were shitty as fuck so I didn't have to worry about getting pictures taking of me.
I remember overhearing conversations of the parties that went on over the weekend that I wasn't invited to. If I had to see pictures of those same parties on FB/Instagram I would of lost my fucking mind. It would of been so much worse.
I got picked on everyday. I never got my ass kicked but I was verbally abused pretty bad. I can only imagine if smart phones were around no doubt some kids would of took pictures of me walking in the hallway, eating lunch by myself, and created fake FB/Instagram accounts to rag on me. "My name is bluecollarCEL and I like to play WOW/Watch Star Trek/and Jerk off to anime."
Of the 2 girls who did be nice to me. If we had Social Media back then would of instantly realized I was a friendless boring no social life loser and would of avoided me like the plague.
How did you guys do it.