With young people having gray hair with increasing frequency, this does suggest that the slope of man's developmental path is a much sharper incline (downward) than Old Earth believers claim.
["I am going to suggest you present some credible references." ]
Your request for references is unpersuasive, as evidence is abundant in daily life. Would anyone ask Jesus for a reference after telling the parable of the Prodigal Son?
"Your request for references is unpersuasive, as evidence is abundant in daily life."
Meaning: Andy has none so he's just going to ignore the request.
"Would anyone ask Jesus for a reference after telling the parable of the Prodigal Son?"
My response: Yupp, totally. But as Jesus is dead, I'm not really expecting a response.
You know, it's really sad...for all his supposed knowledge, Andy doesn't know what a parable is....
(Hint: Andy, a parable is NOT a true non-fiction story....)
If he wanted to claim it was anything more than a made-up story he invented to make his point, yeah.
But then that's exactly what you just did, isn't it Andy? Invented the whole thing.
Tell you what Andy. Check the parish records (so much more reliable than, say, the fossil record, and Christian too!) for the average age at death of your ancestors over the last few hundred years.
Let us know what you find, ok?
evidence is abundant in daily life
Well, then; you shouldn't have any trouble providing said evidence, should you? We'll wait...
Parables are metaphors, not to be taken lit... oh wait, fundies don't get the concept of fiction.
Also: Schlafly just must be a POE. A person this stupid would starve in days.
"Your request for references is unpersuasive, as evidence is abundant in daily life."
Translation: I dunno lol.
Belief in aliens is also abundant in daily life. Must mean that aliens are real.
Would anyone ask Jesus for a reference after telling the parable of the Prodigal Son?
No, because it's a freaking parable. That's like analyzing the physics of a cartoon.
JC - "This man, he had two sons..."
Anon - "Wot were their names?"
JC - "That's not important"
Anon - "Ee's makin it up as he goes along!"
JC - "No I'm not!"
Anon - "Citation Needed!"
JC - "Ok, Look, their names were Steve and Alan!"
Anon - "You said you di'n't know! Liar!"
(Yeah, I know, Brian and wrong parable, whatever)
My mother was gray-haired before the age of 35. I'm 43 and I only have a few streaks of gray in my hair.
It seems the down-ward slope is now an upward rise. What? At least I have ONE example, which is more than you seem to have.
Parables don't need references. Factual claims do.
Probably not, but that was explicitly, you know, a parable. Whereas you are claiming literal true things.
...you also aren't Jesus. In case you, y'know, hadn't noticed.
A request for proof is "unpersuasive"???
Here's a tip for you, Andy: When you make a claim, part of your job is to persuade the rest of us it's true, not vice versa.
How can anyone that stupid breathe, let alone maintain a fact-free vanity site?
Would anyone ask Jesus for a reference ...
You're damn right, if there was ever a Jesus. Where's your reference for that, a Jesus? We've been asking for 1700 years and so far, zip.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and try to guess what happened...
Andy has observed that people with grey hair tend to look younger now than they did 25 years ago. He assumes that these people ARE younger.
Meanwhile, in reality, thanks to modern medicine and nutrition, people are living and staying youthful longer, while their hair is greying at around the same age as in the previous generation.
Schlafly is the greatest Poe in the history of the internet.
Yes, I know about all the evidence to the contrary. But when I read stuff like this, it's ultimately the only explanation that makes sense.
If the evidence were as you claim abundant, you'd have no problem providing it. Yet you refuse to. Hmmm...why could that be.
BTW, the bible doesn't indicate Jesus offered the story of the prodigal son as an account of an actual historical event, but instead presented it as a parable--a fictional construct intended to inform or instruct.
Your request for references is unpersuasive, as evidence is abundant in daily life.
See, Andy, that's the key difference between you and real scientists. When real scientists are asked for evidence to back up their claims, their first response is to provide you with lots of carefully-collected data. You don't have to persuade them to give that data up*, since it's their job to persuade everyone else. In the academic world, people are not expected to believe an authority figure blindly.
*Barring certain circumstances, like when Schlafly wanted the evidence of Lenski's citrate-metabolizing E. coli experiment and was told he didn't remotely have the experience or facilities to handle the bacteria or analyze it.
No because the story of the Prodigal Son was a parable, it was a piece of fiction Jesus invented to teach a wider moral message.
The difference between you and what Jesus did was that you just made something up to claim it as a factual truth.
The main problem with Andy and his ilk is that they don't look for references at all, about anything. If the bible says so it must be true. Period.
What a sad way to go through life.
I'd ask you for a reference.
Punishment: You have to have "[citation needed]" burned into your forehead so it leaves a scar. Has to be your forehead because you aren't using the organ behind the bones behind the forehead correctly.
What a waste of carbon and oxygen. Fundies are really fucking stupid. I mean, the whole "the evidence is all around"(rephrased as the physical world is evidence for god) is the kind of logic we should expect from preschoolers, not grownups with high school degrees. I could use the same argument for any god or magical being I wanted to. It's a cop-out for idiots who can't make a logical statement.
the slope of man's developmental path is a much sharper incline (downward) than Old Earth believers claim.
A look at all those horribly obese Christian fundamentalists in the US seems to support that claim.
Not if they are gullible and retarded, like you are.
If they are like us, however, and are skeptical and not idiots...then yeah...they would tell dat bitch to show some evidence or STFU.
evidence is abundant in daily life.
As much as you fundies keep insisting, "Look around!" is not a credible argument when asked to provide evidence to back up your crazy claims.
I am English, lower middle class, 54 years old, and have grey hair. Decline in the human genome (Ignore what my wife thinks for the moment)?
No, just that 100 years ago, on the balance of probability I would already be dead.
All the statistics are available care of the governments AF despises.
YES, DAMMIT! Without credible sources, a story becomes utter bullshit! Unless it's a metaphorical tale, or a fable. Which is what a parable IS.
What really gets me about Andrew Schlafly (who claims to be a Catholic, a faith in which we are at least supposed to use the brains God gave us):
Is that he believes in Young Earth Creationism in the face of overwhelming evidence against it because the infallible Bible says so, and then at the same time wants to edit out the bits of the Bible he doesn't like.
If he ever gets divorced his wife's lawyer will really shaft him.
It's merely a matter of perspective. All else being equal, as Andy ages, people look younger to him than their real ages would indicate. I suppose it's inevitable, given Andy's stature as an eternally pubescent snotnose kid.
With young people having gray hair with increasing frequency, this does suggest that the slope of man's developmental path is a much sharper incline (downward) than Old Earth believers claim.
Except that you haven't bothered to examine other possible reasons for a greater (perceived) frequency of greying hair in the population and ruled them out.
Your request for references is unpersuasive, as evidence is abundant in daily life.
Your "evidence" doesn't hold up under scrutiny.
Would anyone ask Jesus for a reference after telling the parable of the Prodigal Son?
1) Are you seriously comparing yourself to Jesus now?
2) Since the concept of "unimpeachable authority" does not exist in science--which requires *some form of experimental verification to unequivocally accept something--yes, I would.
3) Do you actually understand the difference between a "parable" and a "scientific theory?"
Andy is on the verge of pulling a whiterider & declaring himself Jesus (just like wr declared himself King David).
I wonder how many of his followers will continue supporting him, then.
The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.
I tried to submit this one earlier, but I saw Night Jaguar had beaten me to it and it was already sitting in the buffer. Darn!
Andrew Schlafly, you are not Jesus. Don't act like it. (Or rather, do act like it, and be nice to people.)
Please show me a large sample of young people from 100 years ago along with an equal, randomly selected sample of current young people. I will do a survey.
What? No young people from 100 years ago are available? I thought everything was possible with God. Are you saying God can't produce young people from 100 years ago? That's a shame. It seemed like your best hope.
Yes, I would ask Jesus for references concerning much of what he is supposed to have said.
Although I don't know of any young people with naturally gray hair, I did once meet a 19-year-old man with male-pattern baldness.
Therefore, God ... or something, I guess.
Do not discourage Andy Shitfly from thinking he is Jesus -- encourage it.
Hopefully he will carry that far enough to get him locked up where he belongs.
Andy, you remind me so much of our Lord and Savior. Such uncanny similarities.
Andy!!! You really are Him!! Go ahead and tell the world who you really are!
People getting grey hair younger and younger, therefore...
Earth getting younger and younger?
Humanity is degenerating?
More young people are exposed to Andy Schlafly?
Well, the second and third could probably be connected...
My fairly youthful graying is inherited.
Others, well, with the sheer amount of fear and stress assholes like Andy Schlafly inflict on the public..
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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