George W. Bush is NOT a Christian! On the contrary, George Bush is an evil man. He is a life-long member of Skull and Bones (a Satanic organization), has given hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood (Murderhood) abortion clinics and cheers gay marriages—. I surely hope you weren't ignorant enough to vote for him (or Kerry). If you voted for George Bush knowing that he is a member of Skull and Bones, then you need to get right with God!
a good person = christian
a normal person = nonexistant
an evil person = anyone who's not christian
George-fuck-Bush says I don't own my body, neither does my lover, my brother or anyone else, but rather that the government owns our bodies and has the right to make decisions regarding our sexual, romantic and medical choices.
So no, you're a fucking liar. Except your second sentence, of course.
Hard to be a 'life-long member' of a group that requires you to be a junior at Yale University, isn't it?
And despite your conspiracy-theorist sources, S&B is NOT satanic. It's actually just like Scroll & Key and Wolf's Head; that is, an exclusive social club with contrived 'rituals' and themes to make it seem more spooky and secret.
"At least during some periods, the membership of the organization was not considered a secret. Membership in each class was published, apparently by the organization itself, in the New York Times." - Wikipedia
Kinda defeats the purpose of being an ultra-secret Satanic cult if you advertise who your members are, isn't it?
Next you'll be harping about Phi Kappa Gamma, I bet.
Oh, and for the record, Bush keeps trying to shut down Planned Parenthood, and keeps trying to pass a law denying equal rights for homosexuals . So, like RJ said, you're a fucking liar.
Jesus N Christ as a write-in candidate...
Really, Davey, you should be going after all the assholes who voted without any question. Y'know, the religious right, kinda like...yourself.
Off your meds again, Davey? (and LOL @ 'Planned Murderhood'. 'Cause we all know that abortion is the only service PP provides.)
I am seriously starting to wonder about this guy; he seems genuinely insane...
The first and last lines are pretty much right on(although the "skull and bones" stuff is a bit silly). The rest is lying bullshit, and you really need to get down and pray to God about this lying problem you have, David.
IMO, Bush substituted Christianity for booze. It's just a different crutch to get him through the day.
Hundreds of millions of dollars to PP? He has that much to throw around?
I agree that GWB is a stupid, evil, bastard.
Unfortunately for you, he is a Christian.
very evil, and very, very christian.
The first is partly caused by the latter when it comes to decision-making too.
dear david j. stewart,
please see the disastrous global gag rule reenacted by bush on his first day in office. then kindly go f*ck yourself.
and seriously, who actually gives a shit about the skull & bones?
Wow. I don't even follow politics and even *I* know this is complete bullshit. It takes real skill to be this misinformed.
Cheers gay marriage? Don't I wish. Then one of my good friends and his boyfriend could get a recognized marriage instead of the ceremony they're doing to celebrate their union - just as good, but not legally binding in most places.
Bush is an asshole.
Hard to be a 'life-long member' of a group that requires you to be a junior at Yale University, isn't it?
No. Members are members for life.
They are tapped as juniors, but only participate as seniors.
Skull and Bones? Never heard of 'em.
And before I leave this one to RIP, No True Scotsman award.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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