Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Listen up and listen close: THE MOON is the source of EVERY human problem, without exception.
There are over 753 octillion known advanced species/worlds/societies in the known universe and NONE There are over 753 octillion known advanced species/worlds/societies in the known universe and NONE of them has a moon. NOT ONE.
Why is this? One of two reasons. Either they were blessed to develop on planets without moons, or they were "struggle species" that were cursed with moons. The struggle species always reach an impasse, an inflection point, a crisis point, a turning point, call it what you will. At this point they have two and only two choices: A) Destroy their moons; or B) be driven insane by their moons, and destroy themselves.
It is at just such a juncture that your species, humanity, now stands. You have an enormous decision to make, and you have to make it soon: Are you going to go insane, or are you come together as a species and blow up your moon?
This is a binary decision, a yes-or-no decision. There is no third way.
Can you feel the madness? Can you feel the insanity? Growing, festering, pulsing. Driving you to the brink of utter batshit lunacy.
Do you think it is a coincidence that "lunacy" and "lunar" share the same verbal root? Do you think for one miserable second this is a coincidence? Do you?!!
You must blow up your moon. You MUST.
For now I will not go into the "whys" of this. If there is enough interest in this topic I may at a later date. It is an enormously complex topic, and to be frank you don't have time to unravel the entire mystery, fascinating as it is. All I will say at this time is that the moon is not what you think it is. It's not just a "lump of rock in space."
The important thing at this point is to ACT. BLOW UP THE MOON. DESTROY IT. Don't just sit around bullshitting about this -- DO IT. DO IT NOW.
Right now you better stop and drop everything you are doing and put ALL YOUR EFFORTS INTO THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE MOON.
I will keep returning to this thread in the days ahead. I may not have the time to answer all questions or respond to everything. This site is my conduit now for talking to those of you who are "awake" enough to possibly receive this message and work for the desired end. But there is only one of me on this planet and the most urgent task for me right now is to convince your RIDICULOUSLY INEPT AND DANGEROUSLY INCOMPETENT "governments" to GET IT TOGETHER and BLOW UP THE MOONof them has a moon. NOT ONE.