21 December 2012: The Boilerplate Answer
We hear each day "two oh one two"
The kids all ask if it is true.
"Nibiru, the planet we must fear,
Or planet X shall soon be here.
The Mayan count runs to an end.
I was told this by a friend.”
Nibiru the hoax world of Sitchin
Fit only for the garbage bin.
Devoid of fact, reason or wit,
Science laughs at all the talk of it.
Of planet “X” Nan Lieder cries,
And yet she won't look at the skies,
To come in four short years it's true,
The damn thing must be now in view!
"Where is it?" Science asks with glee,
"You said, 'Beware two thousand three!'
With Earth it didn't make a tryst,
We're very sure it don't exist!"
Galactic lines are the next fright,
And yet the angles are not right.
“Six degrees off!” the scientists say,
“It happens near each solstice day.”
But it would no difference make,
You can be sure the thing’s a fake.
"Planets align!" or so some say
"It will be on that very day."
Yet naught of fact now can they quote,
I'd like to take them by the throat
And try to squeeze some truth right in,
But murder now they say's a sin.
Failed prophets, fools, those full of fraud,
Are people who should be ignored.