OF COURSE [Hitler's] argument FAILS. Evolution FAILS. Evolutionists are OFTEN wrong, just like the evolutionist Hitler was WRONG.
YOU are full of FAIL, because DARWIN'S BOOK, the origin of the species, was BANNED in NAZI GERMANY.
But evolutionists like the Nazis, Communists and Fascists, never let their errors get in the way of murdering, torturing, enslaving and imprisoning MILLIONS of innocent people.
Well, Nazis were moved by an insane nationalistic zeal, and Hitler denied evolutionary theory. Marxism was also not too fond of Darwinian natural selection. Stalin preferred Lysenko's (incorrect) ideas about evolution, which were based around Lamarck's (also incorrect) hypothesis, because the idea of "Nature Red in Tooth and Claw" didn't sit well with Stalin, because it implied that capitalistic competition was the basis for life as we know it.
"Natural Selection" has NO intelligence, so it CANNOT "select" anything. The only way evolution by selection could POSSIBLY be true, is through THEISTIC evolution, but TE has plenty of holes in it also.
That's kind of the POINT. Natural selection acts on mutations and eliminates the BAD ONES, creating ADAPTATION. This is how evolution WORKS.