The ancient Chinese invented negative numbers. Y'know, Andy: ancient. As in their civilisation - and their astronomical & mathematical achievements - existed way before your 'Jesus'.
The number 'O', Zero, didn't exist until the ancient Mayans invented & used it in their numerical system. If not for their invention, we wouldn't have Binary - the basis of Digital Computers - and you wouldn't have your Conservapoodia, nor your Bible Raping Project.
Nope, not seeing any mention of Colossus/Z1 (the first digital computers - in Europe) re. your 'scientifically [i]fore[/i]knowledgeable Bible' o Andy Schaftafly.
@Creedence Leonore Gielgud
Yet, Prof. Stephen Hawking has proved the existence of at least eleven dimensions. Funny then, that Andy's precious Bible doesn't state that verbatim, nor give explanations for such, with diagrams, equations etc. But then, his precious Bible says that Pi = exactly 3, so when not even his 'omnipotent' God could build a wheel on the basis of his own mathematical model, then Andy himself proves that an English theoretical physicist is superior to God.
And Andy thinks we Brits 'can't do the maths'? When he relies on something invented & developed by a gay, Atheist Englishman, then...! [/mega-irony]
Yet, his Conservapoodia has been universally panned by conservative correspondents/reporters/bloggers etc, who all say he doesn't represent them, and when all right-wing fundamentalist preachers/pastors/governing bodies won't touch his raped Bible 'project' with someone else's 50-foot cattleprod, then...!
Can you say 'Vanity Project', Andy? I know you can.