It is proven fact that 100% of right-wing Fundamentalist Christains are paedophiles.
Tony Alamo. Josh Buggar. Roy Less. You.
Stop me when I've sufficiently annihilated your argument, Davey-boy.
Via the above examples, thus using your own logic, therefore it's utterly impossible for you to contradict what I say in any way, shape or form.
In the same way that if all Muslims are terrorists, therefore - via just Charlottesville alone - all White Supremacists, Alt-Shitists, KKK & Neo-Nazis are terrorists too. No Exceptions.
Just as either all Muslims are terrorists or none of them are, therefore if you claim that all Catholic clergy are paedophiles all those exactly like you - right-wing Fundamentalist Christains - are too. No Exceptions. the way, here's your Broad Brush back, DJS. Excuse the Jackson Pollock effect: most of which you've got on yourself. [/"Splatoon"]
No room for 'Grey Areas', y'see.