I believe that Phyllis Schlafly is the most consequential female woman in public policy in the last fifty years of the 20th Century. Had there not been a Phyllis Schlafly, I believe that we wouldn’t have seen a rise of the pro-family movement. Had there not been a rise of the pro-family movement, I don’t believe that there would have been a Ronald Reagan. Without a President Ronald Reagan, I don’t think we would have seen the ability to defeat the evil, and yes that’s what it was, Soviet empire and to bring a conclusion to the Cold War. Just as Ronald Reagan was consequential, Phyllis Schlafly was extremely consequential because she was a tee to tee up this president that we had.
Without Phillys Shlafly we would have no multi trillion $ deficit, no Bush depression, no obstruction and delay in congress, no thousands of fetuses murdered in Iraq, and no conservapaedia, so yes Phillys Shlafly is consequetial. In a very bad way.
Ah, so that's who we should be blaming. Duly noted.
We didn't defeat the Soviets. They defeated themselves by overextending their armies and expending more money and resources than they could afford on conquest and paranoia (sound familiar?). All we had to do was look like a potential threat to egg their paranoia on. Any remotely competent person could have maintained that preexisting image they had of us. Ronald Reagan was not some genius tactician that cleverly toppled an unstoppable juggernaut through incomparable military and political savvy. Ronald Reagan was the guy who happened to be sitting in the big chair when they finally tripped and broke their own neck.
A female woman? As opposed to a non-female woman?
There's never been anyone who was anti-family, so your pro-family bullshit is just.....bullshit.
I saw a video clip of John Cleese where I think he hit the nail right on the head.
Essentially what he said was if conservatives were smart enough to realize how stupid they are they wouldn't be conservatives.
It's not like the Soviet Union was not going to collapse anyway, and Reagan would have been elected regardless of any pro-family movement. The economy sucked so badly in 1979/1980 that the Repubs could have put up a retarded monkey against Carter and still won the election. Oh wait...
The only thing Phyllis was consequential about was dumping Andy on the world and giving us here at fstdt lots of material to laugh at.
That's awesome. Thanks to Batshit Shelly, now I get to blame Phyllis Schlafly and the Phyllistines for much, much more than just preventing the passage of the equal rights amendment, or the spawning her paste-eater son, Andy.
had there not been a phyllis schlafly, i'm sure some other nosy narrowminded shrew would've taken her place. there's no shortage of the general type, after all.
reagan was a convenient pretty-faced stooge for a conservative movement that rose on the tide of multibillionaires' campaign contributions, to provide a government for the plutocrats. he too could've been replaced by some other convenient stooge, and the forces that brought him into power were far more financial than democratic, ergo SOME stooge would've been found.
the Soviet Union --- rats, why would THAT of all things be the first proper noun in this rant that deserves capitalizing; even i'm not quite THAT big a commie, honestly --- collapsed on its own, again for mainly financial and economic reasons, and credit for its mostly peaceful collapse should go far more to Mikhail Gorbachev than anyone else. the USSR would still have collapsed no matter who was at its helm, but Gorbachev brought it down by and large bloodlessly, and not just anyone could've managed that. that guy gets nowhere near the credit he deserves, i swear.
no credit for anything should ever go to michelle bachmann. she has yet to earn herself aught but derision.
Just shut up, Michelle. Every time you open your ignorant yap you degrade the human race.
It will be cause to celebrate when Phyllis finally drops dead.
"Phyllis Schlafly was extremely consequential because she was a tee to tee up this president that we had."
Yes, and I think they both would have benefited by being whacked with a golf club.
"I believe that Phyllis Schlafly is the most consequential female woman in public policy in the last fifty years of the 20th Century."
And now her son runs a laughably inaccurate Wiki clone on the internet. How the mighty have fallen.
Well, it would definitely be inaccurate to say that Phyllis Schlafly didn't have a huge impact in public policy, but it is also true that if Phyllis had her way we wouldn't have a Michelle Bachmann in the public spotlight.
Just as Ronald Reagan was consequential, Phyllis Schlafly was extremely consequential
Was this before or after Reagan kept falling asleep during cabinet meetings?
Anyway, since we all know God wants women to stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, Phyllis will roast in Hell for butting into men's business. So there is a consolation at least.
"Without a President Ronald Reagan, I don’t think we would have seen the ability to defeat the evil, and yes that’s what it was"
Osama bin Lardarse. Question, Batscat: who succeeded in just three years where Dumbya failed in eight ? And today?:
USAF Predator drones. RAF Tornado planes. You're welcome.
The soviet union was communist, communism doesn't work. It was always going to fail. Reagan certainly didn't just do it all by himself, on the contrary, the soviets did it all by themselves.
Reagan was the guy who was president when the soviet union inevitably collapsed, something that would have happened anyway regardless of who sat his arse in the oval office.
With talk of dismantling and open gate policies already in place when Reagan pulled his "tear down this wall" stunt Reagan effectively stalled the process for years.
I mean really, do you think all the previous presidents and European leaders were going "Yah wall" for decades? What the Hell Republicans. Stop with the bullshit. Reagan was a dumbfuck puppet, Republicans don't make history, they make it up.
...ah, so you like Catholics now, Batscat Shelly?
As you Protestant fundies are so 'Pro-Life', you night as well turn left-footer.
...and the dried-up & dessiccated old harpy Phyllis Schaftafly was extremely in consequential here in the UK: with a state religion, the Church of England: Protestant .
As you no longer have a Ronnie Raygun, you now no longer have a Phyllis Schaftafly.
There are those who say that Phyllis Schaftafly was dead good. I say she's dead.
Good. [/Maggie Thatcher (*spit *)]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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