Matt Barber #fundie

Needed: A Million More Like Kim Davis

For the first time in American history a woman has been imprisoned by the government for merely exercising her Christian faith. War has been declared on Christ and His followers.

And there's no turning back.

Anti-Christian persecution is the civil rights cause of our time. The cultural Marxists in power have seceded from our constitutional republican form of government, with its Judeo-Christian moorings, and have supplanted, in its place, a secular-socialist oligarchy. Like Union troops hunkered at Fort Sumter, faithful Christians are now exiles in our own land. Anti-Christian "progressives" have demanded unconditional surrender, and federal Judge David Bunning has fired the first mortar.


[M]any scoffed at our warnings that Christians will someday be forced to either endorse "gay marriage" or go to jail. Well, scoff no more. That day has arrived. In just two months since the high court's disgraceful Obergefell v. Hodges opinion, the full-on criminalization of Christianity has begun. You must either bow a knee before the false gods of same-sex "marriage" and "gay rights," or face the fiery "contempt of court" furnace. We have moved from anecdotal instances of anti-Christian discrimination to systemic religious persecution.

Here's the formula: 1) Force affirmation of homosexual behavior, abortion or some other institutionalized sin via judicial fiat; 2) Christian objects, refuses to disobey God and requests a reasonable religious accommodation; 3) Accommodation is denied and Christian is jailed for "contempt of court."

You're going to hear that term a lot in coming days, weeks, months and years - "contempt of court." It's the straw man charge that will be utilized to imprison not just Christian public officials, but others as well. Christian business owners, lawyers, private sector employees, parents of school-age children who don't want their children indoctrinated by sexual anarchist propaganda and many others will be held in contempt of court, denied due process and incarcerated indefinitely.

The persecution isn't coming.

The persecution has arrived.

And that's what it means to be a Christ follower.

So pray for a million more like Kim Davis.

Become like Kim Davis.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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