Theists that are evolutionists have chosen the STUPIDnatural, lazy god over the SUPERnatural all-powerful, all-knowing God. There are just as deluded as atheists. And
please, please show me one "biblical literalist" that BELIEVES in evolution.
please show me one "biblical literalist" that BELIEVES in evolution.
Since a fairy tale can't equate to reality, it ain't gonna happen.
Mickey wrote:
I attended both a creationist and evolutionist university in my educational career
Then you're an educated idiot with more money than sense. I hope you enjoy your 'career' flipping burgers.
Good day.
Wow, how long did it take you to come up with 'STUPIDnatural' mickey?
A 'biblical literalist' doesn't believe in evolution. That's part of the definition.
They dont ban for lying, and they dont ban fundes unless a lot of fellow fundies complain... (which is rare)
But if a non fundie trys to point out a flagrant rule violation by a fundie.. Its instant banning.
And please, please show me one "biblical literalist" that BELIEVES in evolution.
That's like saying "show me a Christian who believes in Islam".
Show me one 'biblical literalist' who will down a bottle of bleach knowing it will do him no harm (Mark 16:18)? Somehow, literalism always gives way to common sense at that point.
If someone wants to convince me the bible is true, all they need to do is accompany me down to the nearest convenience store and down a couple of bottles of Draino. They can even bring some friends to pray for them if they want. But if they collapse or die then they've disproved their literal bible, and if they ask for an ambulance, or even Pepto-Bismol, they've disproved their faith in one.
Like Diogenes with his lamp, I could spend my life stalking the land with a bottle in my hand, looking for a faithful man. And I'd lay odds I'd never find one.
Biblical literalist? Shitballs on testicle Tuesday batman, don't these people know not to take the damn thing literally? Jesus himself says it to Nicodemus. Hell part of the Bible was probably edited
Jesus: No you don't crawl back into your mother's womb. It is metaphor. Being reborn means you are a new person.
Nicodemus: But I'm not being reborn?
Jesus: Dad, this guy is giving me a headache.
God: I know your pain my son. Let's hope no one else takes this too seriously or literally.
2000 years later
Jesus and God: We're so fucked. *imitating Bender* We're DOOMED! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
I have chosen the natural over supernatural, and I believe in deities and ghosts. And I will say you are very deluded. And probably never read the damn Bible
Uh-huh. Would this be the all-powerful, all-knowing god who has developed 23 elephant like creatures over the last 5 billion/6000 years and still hasn't got them right? You can't deny the existence of the fossils, so they've been here at some point in time. The same all-knowing god that invented the dodo, the platypus, and giraffes? The one who invested a lot of effort into dinosaurs, only to wipe them all off the face of the earth?
And before you say people killed them off, remember this is an all-powerful god, if he wanted them to still be around, they'd be around. Unless of course, he screwed up.
Yes, a super natural all powerful all knowing God that somehow needs us to donate money to him, help people in his stead, and kill his enemies for him. I'd say that sounds pretty lazy to me.
If your God is not lazy, the next time he speaks to you inside your head and tells you to cast demons out of somebody, or to impede gay rights, tell him to do it himself. I mean, if he's all-powerful then why would he have to ask?
Funny...this kid thinks that zapping people into being as they are, and keeping in them static forms over generations is "supernatural", and that putting life into being that can shift species boundaries over generations and time is "stupidnatural". Not only does it illustrate his absurd lack of nuanced thinking, but it shows how he somehow thinks that the "supernatural" and stupid are exclusive from one another...which makes me laugh!
so their stupid lazy god created a self-sustaining universe that man has yet to understand, while your great god has to be constantly controlling the universe, of which all of its workings are explained in one book?
being a biblical literalists isnt something to brag about.
pi=3 , flat earth, slavery is ok. ect...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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