A dark secret that most people don't know is that offerings are regularly made to Lucifer in the occult. I've heard Heavy Metal Rock bands, like Megadeth, refer to their latest album as “an offering.” Each album is an offering to Satan. Sex is synonymous with the occult, Luciferian worship and Satanism. The MTV video for FEARLESS, presents Taylor Swift as if being offered. Stupid Americans don't even realize what is going on. MTV's videos, thousands of them, portray women wearing seductive clothing, in luring positions, as if being offered in an occult ritual. It is creepy if you understand the occult. If you scoff and don't believe what I'm saying, it is only because you are woefully ignorant of how the occult works, and their demonic agenda and the DEPTHS OF SATAN (Revelation 2:24).
Some think the 911-attacks were actually an offering to Satan, clearly marked by the occult symbol featured at the 911 Memorial. I would tend to agree. People who refuse to study are doomed to be fools the rest of their life.
Man, they were going on about rock being "devil music" from the first moment Elvis wiggled his hips. And I heard school-endorsed lectures on backward-lyrics bullshit when I was a kid in the '70s. You're decades out of date, Davey-boy. But then, your whole worldview is two millennia behind the times, so I guess thisis radically progressive stupidity for you.
I've heard Heavy Metal Rock bands, like Megadeth, refer to their latest album as “an offering.”
Yeah, they're offering it to people to buy. You've never heard the phrase "this is our latest offering"? It's an innocent turn of phrase. Only paranoid idiots like yourself focus on little things like this and turn them into meaning something that was not intended.
Everyone else understood what was meant. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I actually have to agree with Dave on one point: "People who refuse to study are doomed to be fools the rest of their life." That's a true statement.
However, those who choose to study the Buybull instead of the real world are doomed to be worse fools than those who study nothing.
At least they're referring to a band that can actually be considered Satanic to a small degree for once.
But really? Can't they, just once, go after black metal and not this old stuff that doesn't even have screaming in it?
"Sex is synonymous with the occult"
wait, what?
so, nobody should ever have sex then? is that really what you're saying?
It is funny you mention evil stuff when you consider your deity. The following Venn diagram will demonstrate what I mean:
ETA: Sorry, I know that this might not be most applicable to this quote, but, I really just had to post this once I found it! I couldn't resist!
I realize that you are still a lower order mage and have difficulty turning English words into something meaningful without sounding like a village idiot. But keep practicing and you might get to the stage where you can convince someone more than an oaf of the importance of your verbiage.
Yes, we know you are sexually repressed and are as mental as a mad wizard, you don't have to keep reminding us. And don't worry, masturbation isn't an occult practice.
I wonder how many of these people realize that nearly every time a metal band mentions an affiliation to satan, they're actually mocking everyone who calls metal satanic?
Not to mention Dave Mustaine is a hardcore Christian...
I won't even bother touching the sex and the occult thing, although I think it's been a long time since David was laid.
These guys never attack the bands that are truly sacriligious, like fuckin' Slayer.
Album cover for Christ Illusion anyone?
They fucking rock, regardless
Wikipedia has a nice little section about Megadeth's frontman, and when they returned to touring. The quote by Rotting Christ's frontman is pretty cool
It was during this period that Mustaine became a Christian.
He expressed his intent to withdraw from a show in Greece that had Rotting Christ opening for Megadeth.[9][10]
In response to their forced cancellation, Sakis of Rotting Christ said: "I didn't expect something like that from Dave Mustaine, because, you know, he's supposed to be metal you know, 'metal band,' all metal ... I just feel sorry for him and for every new Christian with new ideas, because we think Christianity is the worst thing to happen in human history. This is a well-organized trick in order to control society, so when I see someone that's very much Christian, that's full of the system, I feel very sorry for him because he's not free."
I've pretty much stopped taking him seriously when he started going off on 9/11 conspiracy theories (Everyone say it together: WTC7 collapsed most likely due to the failure of Structural Column #79 and a shift of overall weight when part of the penthouse of WTC7 sank . AUGH.)
Then again, I never really took him very seriously in the first place...
Source: http://www.structuremag.org/Archives/2007-11/SF-WTC7-Gilsanz-Nov07.pdf
"Sex is synonymous with the occult, Luciferian worship and Satanism."
What? So, by existing as a species, by propagating, we are worshiping Satan? Good to know. Guess Sarah Palin is a really good worshiper, then, with five children, and her daughter has already begun her worship, too.
Aren't Lucifer and Satan one and the same? Do you really need to mention both the worship of Satan and Satan worshiping?
How does the occult work? Who are doing it? Why?
Citations very much needed for each and every allegation.
Megadeth, if they still are rocking, offer their CDs, LOGICALLY, like Taylor, to the people to make money. Nothing more, nothing else.
dude, dave mustaine is a born-again Christian.
"What do you mean I don't believe in God? I talk to Him every day."
I knew exactly who it was without looking at the fundie...
DJS, the best example of heavy metal you can come up with is Megadeth?
Lamb of God?
Through sheer heaviness and technical prowess, they can smash any hairband around!
Oh, and they parade Taylor around like that because HOT 20 YEAR OLD FEMALE SELLS. Dumbass.
I've heard Heavy Metal Rock bands, like Megadeth, refer to their latest album as “an offering.”
Yeah, and I've heard David J Stewart is a kiddie-fiddler.
Except I think an easy half of these guys do this as an act to get you guys' knickers in a bunch, no more, no less, simply because you guys jump for the bait every single time.
Megadeth is made up of Christians actually.
Sex is synonymous with the occult? Good, you believe that! That way you won't reproduce!
Wait, no... you forgot my favorite quote from that article:
"Not one man has ever had an abortion!"
That's priceless, that is.
Anyway, every time I read anything by David J. Stewart I am seized by an overwhelming urge to dress "like a harlot" and be gay. In fact, I wish I were a guy, because what could be worse in David's eyes than a miniskirt-wearing gay man. Surely nothing.
"A dark secret that most people don't know is that offerings are regularly made to Lucifer in the occult. I've heard Heavy Metal Rock bands, like Megadeth, refer to their latest album as “an offering.” Each album is an offering to Satan. Sex is synonymous with the occult, Luciferian worship and Satanism."
At the other extreme, Stryper.
I rest my case. Proof that the Devil does indeed have all the best tunes.
Another reason why I'm an Atheist: Magnum. One of the best Heavy Metal bands to emerge from the NWOBHM, along with Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Saxon & Gillan. I went to every gig of theirs when they came to my locale in the early 80s. Then Magnum got religion. I went to one of their gigs, post-conversion. Their set had almost completely changed overnight; they even dropped their anthem tune (and my all-time favourite by them) "Invasion". Your so-called 'God' destroyed one of my favourite bands Dave, you kiddy-diddling nonce.
I've heard many commercial products, not just albums, being called an "offering." It's just a commercial term.
And David, if you don't like watching scantily-clad women in music videos, then why do you spend so much time watching? Dude, you seriously need to get laid. I mean, seriously.
"clearly marked by the occult symbol featured at the 911 Memorial."
Oh you mean this one?
People who refuse to study are doomed to be fools the rest of their life.
People who refuse to study anything other than the Bible are doomed to be fools for the rest of their lives and post really delusional shit on the Internet.
Right Dave.
"MTV's videos, thousands of them, portray women wearing seductive clothing, in luring positions, as if being offered in an occult ritual."
Yes, yes, Dave. We all know that you hate women. And music. And television. And women. And Americans and American popular culture in general...
...and any book that isn't the Bible. And women. And anyone who isn't Christian. And any Christian less fundy than Fred Phelps...
And I missed the whole Taylor Swift thing. Holy fuck, man, you have got to have the most profound sexual issues I've ever heard of. Do yourself a favor, and either get laid, or seek some serious councilling.
I wonder if he's into the old hypothesis contemporary with St. Anselm of Canterbury (there's a reference to it in his "Cur Deus Homo?".) that God created humanity expressly to replace the number of angels that fell into Satanel's corruption. It would explain why he has so little love for sexuality (age-similar sexuality, anyway...); once the number of loyal angels is restored, further reproduction will be worse than useless, it'll be the divine equivalent of a rollover bug. So, what purpose sex, since any pleasure whose origin isn't unalloyed divine is nothing more than a necessary evil?
"People who refuse to study are doomed to be fools the rest of their life."
Anyone who even suggests they've studied the Bible and STILL believe are liars. Yes I mean ALL high holy men and woman,every last one are con artists
Yes, typical uneducated fanatic. They rely on music that was fashionable when they were young, since they have isolated themselves from the world to spew his nonsense, with a hearsay of what they have about the new trends. That's why they're unrealiable. There is a very fanatic website in Argentina, that were bringing as "evidence" Led Zeppelin. Ok, judge it by yourself.
"A dark secret that most people don't know is that offerings are regularly made to Lucifer in the occult."
Dude, if you're going to regularly make offerings to Lucifer, where the hell else WOULD you do that besides the occult? That's not a secret.
Amongst Iron Maiden's discography is a track that has something of a moral to it, "Hallowed Be Thy Name". Also how men who proclaim themselves gods ultimately have feet of clay: "Powerslave".
The cover of their album "The Number of the Beast" has Satan being controlled by their mascot Eddie the 'Ead. The underlying moral being that one can be superior to Evil.
Iron Maiden's drummer Nicko McBrain is a Christian.
Your call Dave, you kiddy-diddling nonce.
Yes, yes, yes, everything you don't like and/or understand is from Satan. I get it, kthxbai.
"..and their demonic agenda and the DEPTHS OF SATAN."
"Sex is synonymous with the occult, Luciferian worship and Satanism."
So all fundies should cut off their dicks or get spayed, so that they,
A) can't worship Lucifer by having sex, and, B) can't poison their non-existent kids with lies and indoctrination.
Hey, a Fundy just gave the solution for the Fundy Breeding Crisis! Yay!
The last line of this review rings with a tragic irony worthy of a Greek tragedy. It's almost not funny, it's so sad.
God, Dave. You poor, poor bastard.
God imputes the righteousness of Jesus Christ to the believing sinner while he is still in his sinning state. This was true of Abraham (Gen. 15:6). It is true of every believer in Christ (Ps. 32:2; Rom. 3:22; 4:3, 8, 21-25; 2 Cor. 5:21). All of our sins were charged (imputed) to the account of Christ, and His righteous standing with the Father has been imputed (charged) to our account. There is a judicial transfer of the righteousness of God to the believer because there could be no other grounds of acceptance with a righteous God.
The righteousness of God is imputed to all who believe on Christ so that they may stand before Him in all the perfection of Christ.
Every saved sinner has been “made” the righteousness of God (1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 5:21-23). This imputed righteousness is not something man does or earns.
It is all of God’s grace.
“God sees the believer as a living part of His own Son” by our identification with Him by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We are members of His body (1 Cor. 12:13; Jn. 15:1, 5). God sees us “in Christ” and justifies us forever. He sees us clothed in the righteous garments of Christ.
Therefore, God loves you and me as much as He loves His own Son (Jn. 17:23). He accepts us as He accepts Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:6; 1 Pet. 2:5). He sees us the same way He sees His own Son (2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 3:22; 1 Cor. 1:30). Christ is the righteousness of God, and those who believe on Him are made the righteousness of God by being “in Christ.” We are complete in Christ (Col. 2:10); therefore, God the Father sees us perfected forever (Heb. 10:10, 14).
Interestingly, punching "Kanye West" in the site's search engine turns up zero results. Hmm...
@Phoenix: Not quite. The video is Taylor Swift concert footage with the song playing over it. Still, you're closer to the truth than Davey-boy here.
The women in seductive clothings are not offered up to Satan, but to horny guys like you, watching the videos. Or are they too old for you, sleaze-ball.
You're obviously a Stupid American (or Stupid Guamanian), as you don't realize what's going on; a bit of the occult sells records. Very, very few of them are actually satanists, they just want to make as much money as possible, while they are in the lime-light.
The 911-attacks were, if anything, an offering to the One God; Allah, Elohim, YHWH, whatever you want to call him.
You obviously refuse to study anything but the Bible, and we clearly have the result, right in front of our eyes; one of the biggest fools on the Net.
Hey my favorite site for information has been taken down, I believe its owned by the excellent author and man of God, David J. Stewart so can someone tell me what is going on and can anybody give me a back up site that has his books as I want to print them for future learning along with my bible studies. I think David has the jesuits very angry. I pray God that you would protect your servant David in his time of need in Jesus name amen.
STFU, DAVID!!! If you really hate America so much, then MOVE THE FUCK OUT AND TRY MOVING TO AFGHANISTAN OR SAUDI ARABIA!!! Nice to know that you hate everything about freedom for all Americans! As for sex, well, sex is natural, you retarded piece of shit!
Well, for one, MTV doesn't play music videos anymore...it's more geared towards your audience, Dave... unwed teenage mothers.
Secondly, Megadeth (or Dave Mustaine) is a born again right-wing Christian, you fucking dumbass (which begs the question: does he burn his own records?).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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