Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
THE END OF THE UNITED STATES BY 2017 - Updated & revised
V posted this in 2014.
I know V personally and I have background on the source he used.
I'm providing a detailed breakdown and a full update for 2015. You can read V's article below my update.
Heed these warnings to save yourselves and your family members. Critical information below will facilitate your planning.
There are those of us in government who are fully aware of this plan and who want to stop it, but there is little we can do other than warn others. You have no idea what you are really up against.
Additional info not included below in V's original article:
-- Current estimates within my circles and the best intelligence I have is that the trigger is set for early to mid 2016, an expected collapse period of 2-4 weeks, a leveled off period and then further collapse 3 months later which will last up to two years.
-- The DoD just dedicated $40 Billion to an expansion of the drone program, and increased the quota to 3,000 trained drone operators to be ready by 2016. The drone program mostly operates out of Nevada and the DoD is fully prepared for the collapse and all contingencies are in place for EMP attacks / grid failures and bio weapon plagues to ensure the drone operations continue. The drones will be used primarily on expected armed uprisings and to support the merc armies. Most of the drones you see on TV are not nearly as advanced as the ones the DoD will be using post-collapse.
-- There are many purposes for the Afghanistan war, but primarily the past five years the country has been used as "target practice" for drone operators. This program is one of the DoD's most important, for reasons discussed below and in V's article.
-- The Dollar will slide when the Brics nations initiate a Treasury bond fire-sale selloff. This will be coordinated.
-- The destruction of the U.S. is a 100 year old plan now coming fully to fruition.
-- The goal and 'endgame' is largely out of a desire for centralized world government.
-- The ideals and nationalism of the American Republic were always a hindrance to this plan. Other, more compliant nations and societies will more easily fall into line when the global reset occurs. Some others will champion it, such as Australia, Germany and China.
-- The gun control issue is something the globalists have debated for years, ultimately concluding the ban of guns in the U.S. is not tenable or necessary. Propaganda campaigns are still carried out to produce a fear and divide over guns, but the goal to wholesale ban them was dropped in 2003.
-- The presidential election will be cancelled and never reach a vote in late 2016.
-- There are plans for Obama to stay in power, but when the NAU forms Obama will move to a new position in the UN, and a new president will be appointed. Elections will be planned for 2019.
-- Estimates from the DoD show they expect at least 80 Million Americans to perish in what they call the "transition". Most will die from starvation and lack of water, as well as planned bio attacks.
-- The bio attacks will occur in major cities and where rioting and crowd issues are most critical.
-- The DoD describes the economic crash as the "crescendo effect". This wording is used throughout internal and classified documents. The number one threat to the U.S. will be the breakdown of supply chains. Within two to three weeks, store shelves will be empty. The DoD has gone so far so as to produce full length films describing the breakdown, and these films are shown to the merc groups.
-- About 60% of the U.S. Congress is fully aware and briefed on the coming scenario and this group will play an integral role in the creation of the NAU.
-- The merc army consists of dozens of different groups and some troops from foreign nations. Estimates in size range from 1 million to 2.5 million troops.
-- The U.S. Army and military in general will be disbanded. Many will simply be sent home to be with their families and will have no operational or official role during the "transition". Approximately 20% of vetted military officials and personnel who have high security clearances will remain in power and carry out the mission in place. These personnel have been determined to be "loyal" to the mission. The large merc army will then be moved in to replace the current standing Army. Contingency plans are in place to deal with military personnel who resist being disbanded or relieved of their duties.
-- The best preparation is to leave the US before this happens. If you aren't able to do that, make sure you quietly prepare. Many of the 'preppers' who order food in bulk, buy guns and do nothing to hide their activities are in a carefully monitored DoD database and will be monitored during the collapse, and yes drones will play a role in this. The government is mostly concerned about preppers forming small resistance communities, they are NOT concerned with them surviving. Many people will survive. The government is more concerned about resistance movements that will surely rise up.
-- The rioting and cannibalism will be so widespread and intense, the DoD has created a map containing numerous zones around populated areas that will be closed off - the use of tanks, drones and heavy artillery to will ensure no one enters or exists these zones. One of the zones I have heard about is around Los Angeles. The choice will be to stay in the zone and try to survive, or try to leave and risk being shelled or blown to pieces. The government does NOT want large populations to move about, they want containment, and they want smaller cities to remain safe and relatively 'intact'.
-- A huge operation to provide food and supplies to the nation's population will go into effect, but the DoD in highly classified documents and memos has concluded no matter how large the operation, a total social breakdown will occur, so many "safe zones" are planned, while certain large population areas will be cordoned off.