Does God Have a Sense of Humor?
Although rarely, if ever, is the sense of humor of God discussed or analyzed, there are many compelling reasons to conclude that God does have a sense of humor:
logic : man has a sense of humor, and man was created in the image of God. Hence God has a sense of humor.
history : man's sense of humor improved with the discovery and expansion of Christianity, which indicates their strong correlation.
politics : atheistic political figures are known for their lack of a sense of humor, such as Attila the Hun, which suggests that the opposite of God is a lack of sense of humor.
If you want to have a healthy, balanced sense of humor, you gotta be able to take criticism. Laughing at other people's expense makes up only half of it. You gotta self deprecate at times. God, to put it bluntly, can't. In other words, God's sense of humor, if he has one, if he even EXISTS, runs almost entirely on laughing at the misery of OTHERS.
Why the hell would I worship a sadist like that?
Actually, if God existed, he'd probably laugh at how stupid some of his followers are. That means you, Mr. Assfly.
Another item in this article not quoted here was snowstorms interrupting global warming conventions. IIRC, Texas was in a severe drought last year and Governor Perry had more than one prayer day to get some rain. The drought got worse after the first one and it only rained after an atheist conference in Houston.
And to think, I was hoping to find an item on the platypus in the full article.
Back to the quoted part, Conservapedia is the biggest joke of all.
Please cite your evidence for Attila the Hun's lack of a sense of humor.
Better yet, please cite any evidence for you having any sense whatsoever.
Ever check out Christian Comics? I have, it's dismal. How about Right-Wing or Republican comics, always talking up religion, always running down progressive ideas, and again, dismal.
I in fact have a theory that has so far stood the test of time: those that ninche market themselves into religious or far-right arenas haven't the talent to make it in the competitive wider market.
EX: Christian rock, a market forced into existance by a restriction on secular exposure. Yes I know some Christian bands have achieved national success, but only as they grew more skillful as bands do over time. Their comics never expand the material.
Some have eeked out a succesful career, Dane Cook's a Christian, some people think he's funny. No honestly, he's popular, for some reason that eludes me, he's apparently funny but I must have seen his off-night performances.
And who made Andy Schlafy an expert on anything, let alone comedy? Conservapedia's a prime example of a mindset that fosters no humour save the ability to express the absurd as a desirable outcome.
"How do you explain George Carlin?"
Schlafly explains Carlin as evil and disgusting. Yeah, that's the level of Schlafly's sense of humour.
The whole far-right fundie world went into their vengance cheers the day Carlin died.
The question of whether or not God has a sense of humor is very different from the question of whether or not Christians have a sense of humor. Christians are not God, not by objective fact and not by their own espoused beliefs.
Andy needs to be reminded of that from time to time.
Yeah. It's true. That God of the Bible is one funny deity.
Just look at Sodom and Gomorrah. The people of Sodom wanted God's angels to come out, but Lot offered to let them gang-rape his daughters instead. Then when the people refused, the angels snickered and said to the terrified girls "ha-ha, juuust kidding ... actually, we can turn them blind. But you should have seen the looks on your faces when you thought you were going to be raped! It was priceless!"
God told Lot and his family not to look while He was having great fun killing people with burning sulfur. When Mrs. Lot did, did God just kill her outright? No. He turned her into a pillar of salt! Creative. And much funnier.
Lot, on the other hand, had no sense of humor. That nonsense about his continuing to use her on his French fries is just a blasphemous myth.
Andy you're a fuckwit, again.
I could list a dozen comedians that are either agnostics of atheists.
The one telling factor is their considerably funnier than the ones who identify as Christians.
(Side note, I heard a couple of Muslim comics a while back. They were hilarious)
If God didn't have a sense of humor, he wouldn't have invented the Schlaflys. Meanwhile, Attila was a Tengrist, and just because he got sore over people calling him "Shorty" doesn't mean he wouldn't have fancied a good Schlafly joke.
George Carlin.
That is all.
Atilla probably had a sense of humor. He probably laughed whenever he bashed a skull in. Maybe occasionally used his enemies' corpses as ventriloquist dummies.
How does this guy explain Bill Maher? I wanna put him and Dane Cook in a cage and see them fight. My money's on Bill.
"man's sense of humor improved with the discovery and expansion of Christianity, which indicates their strong correlation."
I'm not sure how you can make the claim that a subjective concept has "improved". Humor has just changed. A lot of other things have changed over 2000 years.
"atheistic political figures are known for their lack of a sense of humor, such as Attila the Hun, which suggests that the opposite of God is a lack of sense of humor."
There's a grand total of one quote from a Roman envoy saying he didn't think Atilla had a sense of humor. There's no evidence that I can find that says Atilla wasn't religious. Anyway, talking of atheists and a sense of humor:
Dylan Moran, Eddie Izzard, Ricky Gervais, Ross Noble, Tim Minchin, Julia Sweeney, David Cross, Lewis Black, George Carlin, Patton Oswalt, Dave Allen, Sarah Silverman, Doug Stanhope, Keith Lowell Jensen, Billy Connolly, Jeanine Garafalo, Mark Twain, Robin Ince, Dara O'Briain, Jimmy Carr, Larry David, Dermot Morgan, Ben Elton, Stewart Lee, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie... In fact, I can't think of any religious comedians except Dane Cook and Dave Chappelle.
Lady Evil: On information and belief, he is her son (However egregious Schopenhauer's remarks were to the effect that women had no intellect and all men inherited their intellects from their mothers, it clearly applies to the Schlaflys).
I'd love to see Jesus do some standup.
I bet he knows a few good crucifixion jokes.
How about his famous "a Jew, an Egyptian and a Roman walk into a bar ..." He got great reviews from Pilate for that sketch.
He could pep up his act by wearing an "I died on the cross for humanity's salvation and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" t-shirt. Then he could blow bubbles through the holes in his hands.
How much would he take for a Bar Mitzvah? He could charge extra for making some wine.
Actually, I think Rick Santorum is living proof that God doesn't have any humor. Santorum may be a joke, but he's a really, really bad joke.
logic: you're making a bare assertion here. I've yet to see any proof for god anywhere on Conservapedia.
history: yeah, I bet the hundreds of thousands of Jews and pagans who were raped, tortured, and murdered by Christinsanity were in a fine humor.
politics: Attila called himself "The Scourge of God" and believed he was punishing the wicked Romans on his behalf.
You're a half-wit.
I think Andy has a sense of humour, and he's trolling his little heart out. That's the only way to explain writing this kind of nonsense.
I think it's indisputable that God, if he exists, does have a sense of humour, and a rich sense of irony. I think probably the people he laughs at most are his followers.
"Man's sense of humour improved with the discovery and expansion of Christianity". Highly questionable claim. In fact, the old jollity and riotousness of the pagan world was replaced by masochism, silence, and dourness.
There may however be a strong correlation between Christianity and humour, in that it is so absurd that you just have to laugh at it.
"Atheistic political figures.. lack of sense of humour". As opposed to all those hilarious, laugh-a-minute religious people. Can you name ONE funny Christian stand-up comic?
And.. Attila the Hun? First of all, we don't know what his religion was, probably some sort of shamanistic Hun religion, and secondly, we don't know what kind of sense of humour he had.
This misses something fundamental, and that's that any kind of totalitarian system or ideology or religion does not want to be laughed at and ridiculed, because to do so is to undermine it. Laughter is very liberating and subversive. That might go some way to explain the correlation between fundamentalism and humourlessness.
I think my brain might shut down from such an overdose of stupidity. How the fuck does Andy manage to concentrate so much retardation into such a small space?
Also, does he know that even if we humor the "strong correlation" idea, that doesn't equal causation? *sigh*
Oh yeah, those Dark Ages were a real laugh-fest, with Calvin the Clown, hair-shirts and flagellants.
Then, when the Enlightenment came around we all stopped laughing immediately, and didn't start again until Sarah Palin and her teabaggers entered the stage.
Attila the Hun was an atheist and lacked a sense of humor? Citation please, on both accounts.
"Although rarely, if ever, is the sense of humor of God discussed or analyzed, there are many compelling reasons to conclude that God does have a sense of humor:"
Your blog results in a lot of pointing and laughing, does that count as god humor?
"man's sense of humor improved with the discovery and expansion of Christianity, which indicates their strong correlation."
Hey, he could be right. I mean, just think about all those comedic props that were developed by Christians over the centuries to make people laugh... The Spanish were especially good at coming up with new stuff.
Here in France, we killed prists during the Revolution. And we LOVE humour. Espacially when it's mocking something sacred.
On a more recent account, we are currently running presidential elections, and candidates with the more humor are the one from the Left Wing. You know, the flithy atheistic commies.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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