Prince George is the Antichrist, future king of one world government
Monday, March 22, 2010
Why The Rapture May Occur 2014 - 2016
...Those are some interesting conclusions and thoughts; as already mentioned and documented in his article, he believes these Star of David alignments signal troublous times, have a “birth pang” connection, and that the 13th will have significant prophetic implications. Thus the 13th alignment beginning on 7/22/13 may be a very important prophetic time marker. With those ideas in mind let’s consider some other pieces of prophetic data....copy all this up, first link on google.
7/22/13 was born George
maybe...oldWO was relig., and now is coming NWO...but they all working together...and more, cant tipe now, too much in my brain.
last time pope resigned(lightning strike), now Obama_seeds_pope, what is next?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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