Life had a beginning, and it was not a big bang and everything fell into place. How is it people are the same shade as dirt and vitamins and minerals and medicine are made from dirt and plants, every human being on the face of the earth have all there organs in the same place?
Why are people colored like other things and things are made from existing things?
How else to you think it would work?
Again, it's you lot that insist things have to come from nothing and everything must be different, not us.
"Life had a beginning, and it was not a big bang and everything fell into place."
You're right, life did not begin at the Big Bang. If you had actually studied the Big Bang, you'd know that. Abiogenesis and the Big Bang are separate, as is evolution. If you had ever studied any of those topics, you'd know that. Pretty ignorant of you to claim something says something or doesn't say something without having studied it.
But I guess it's like your bible; I'm sure you claim it says all kinds of things it doesn't actually say, and I'm sure you haven't studied that, either.
Oh, and if you do ever get around to actually studying anything, you might also want to look into the correct usage of "their" and "there".
How is it people are the same shade as dirt and vitamins and minerals and medicine are made from dirt and plants, every human being on the face of the earth have all there organs in the same place?
People are the same shade as dirt!? What?
And about all people having their organs in the same place: Google for "Situs inversus" and see why you are wrong.
ETA: Damn, ninja'd by Max.
"every human being on the face of the earth have all there organs in the same place?"
Your mum ?
Sorry folks, couldn't resist.
Chemical factors in the zygote. This is well known, but we're still trying to understand exactly how it works.
Just remember, not every gap can be filled with "Goddidit."
A graphic demonstration of a transitional fossil that is closely related to homo sapiens in Missy's inhabited universe. ^
You have an issue with us having a common ancestor with chimps, but you're just fine with us coming from soil and mud. Weird.
The Big Bang happened over 10 billion years before life arose.
every human being on the face of the earth have all there organs in the same place?
Every mammal on the face of the earth has all its organs in the same place as humans. That's more of an argument for evolution.
...wut? What's this piece of utter nonsense? What's the point of this even? I keep reading it yet I can't make sense of it.
Seriously, what are you even trying to say?
Minerals are made from dirt and plants? I’d say dirt is, to some extent, made form minerals.
People have a lot of different shades, silly! And, so does dirt, btw, as it's not a specific substance.
Some humans have their organs mirrored to most people's. Some humans lack one or more organs, either from birth or due to diseases or accidents. Some have just male genitals, some have just female genitals, some have both, and a few have neither. So no, every human being on the face of the Earth does NOT have all "there"[sic] organs in the same place.
Life did not origin in the Big Bang, but in abiogenesis, some 10 billion years after the Big Bang.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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