“Think about all the incel men that were driven to suicide by their cruelty”
They said no. That’s not cruelty.
And i don’t know how many incels actually commit suicide. Most seem to want to lay down and rot. Suicide, getting out of everyone’s way, seems too much like doing us a favor. They’d rather mope around and try to make us miserable.
So, citation needed. Someone whose suicide note spells out how many times they were told no, and ended it all for that.
"or the fetuses that were murdered through abortion just to satisfy the female's twisted lust for chad.”
That’s just blackpill fanfiction.
“You are murderers each and every one of you you have way more blood on your collective hands than an incel ever will.”
No. I really doubt that an incel hears that many ‘no’ replies. They’re all obsessed with how ugly they are, i would think they assume they’d get a ‘no’ and don’t bother to ask. So for those incels, any blood is on their hands, no one else’s.
“Next time you accuse incels of being violent”
What, after they post violent fantasies, or calls to rape, to shoot, to enslave, to acid-face? WHY would i jump to consider these violent fucks ‘violent?’ The mind boggles.
"twisted mass shooters look at your own red stained hands, stained with the blood flesh and guts of innocent incels whom you denied basic rights whom you abused and exploited.”
You think you have a ‘basic right’ to demand sex, but do not think that any woman has a basic right to control who has sex with her? You can fuck a steam pipe, buddy.
“Millions of us were forced to die due to your cruelty”
No. A dry peepee is not FORCING you to die. You built up fantasies about how great sex is and how doomed you are and THAT drove some few to suicide. I’d need numbers to give a shit.
"and you expect us to still worship you"
But you do. You DEFINE yourself by whether or not you’ve been approved by a woman in your quest for a mate. You label yourselves by your status of attracting a mate, yes or no. You gauge the Sexual Market Value of women by how many men would be jealous of you if they saw you with her on your arm.
You guys don’t think about Jesus as much as yuo worship womens.