universallyabhorred #sexist incels.is

Think about all the incel men that were driven to suicide by their cruelty or the fetuses that were murdered through abortion just to satisfy the female's twisted lust for chad. You are murderers each and every one of you you have way more blood on your collective hands than an incel ever will including shooters such as Ellliot Rodger and Marc Lépine. Next time you accuse incels of being violent, twisted mass shooters look at your own red stained hands, stained with the blood flesh and guts of innocent incels whom you denied basic rights whom you abused and exploited. Millions of us were forced to die due to your cruelty and you expect us to still worship you, you are truly scum of the earth.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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