David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The Masonic/Zionist secret powers behind the subversion of the United States are amongst the wealthiest people on earth. They own and control the mainstream newsmedia. They own and control the entertainment industry. They own and control just about everything, which makes it next to impossible to bring them to justice. Through various sublevels of authority in their illuminati power structure, it makes it impossible to identify the names of the true perpetrators.
This is a common tactic amongst mafia criminals, that is, they recruit street gangs to do their dirty-work, thus distancing themselves from the actual crimes, protecting their identities and making it next to impossible to bring them to justice. For the love of money, the criminals higher up in the chain of command are virtually invincible. You'll never hear the names of the Illuminati (aka, the globalists) mentioned in the daily evening news or Good Morning America!
The newsmedia demonizes the Bush administration for the evils of 911, the murder of 1,455,000 innocent Iraqis, the theft of Iraq's trillions-of-dollars in natural resources (oil), the military's pedophile business in Afghanistan and through DynCorp, the treason of the Patriot Acts, the assault of the U.S. Constitution in courtrooms nationwide, et cetera. The truth is that George W. Bush and his accomplices were mere paid puppets of the Masonic puppeteers over our government. Freemasons have infiltrated everything, even our religious circles, recruiting men's souls for the love of prestige, money and worldly pleasures. Hell will be hot!