"Is it ok to divorce an abusive spouse? No! ... Such a wife needs to sincerely ask herself "why" her husband is being abusive--there's ALWAYS a reason. Some husbands are abusive; but 90% of all divorces are needlessly caused by a sinfully proud wife who causes grief for her husband, and he gets mad. "
I'm sure you're wife is quite happy, even with that black eye. She understands it was because she didn't fully cook your steak.
Go die in a hole please David.
I'm sorry, I HAD to approve this in the public admin. The man is clearly sick, in denial and has no regard for the book he claims is his authority.
He's clearly disturbed and puts no stock into another person's life, in this case, a woman's. This very statement is a perfect example of how religion in general but the Abrahamic trio in particular, have demonized women and relegated them strictly to vaginal life-support for the sole purpose of making babies, cooking and cleaning.
I don't wish violence upon people but if there was a God and he/she/it wanted to prove it, I'd ask that this piece of shit gets dropped into the middle of Gaza, right between an Israeli brigade and a Hamas detachment. The world would be a better place without pieces of shit like this.
The reason is generally that the man is still a child who is throwing a temper tantrum because every little thing didn't go his way but since he can't fight anyone his own size he hits someone he is sure won't hit back. (same goes for women who abuse their husbands btw)
Unless the whole thing is trully consencual but then David J. Stewart would brpbably be frothing at the mouth about how wrong it was. He's really no fun.
I'm disgusted to be of both the same gender and species as you.
90%, eh? How far up your retarded fucking ass did you have to reach to pull out THAT heap of nonsense "statistic"?
"Is it ok to divorce an abusive spouse? No! ...
In other words, "I'm a violent sonofabitch who can't really get a woman anyway, so when I do find one, I'll brainwash her, then beat her so I have a punching bag."
Such a wife needs to sincerely ask herself "why" her husband is being abusive--there's ALWAYS a reason
Maybe, but never a good one. Somehow I think that Davey boy is suggesting that the reason is always the wife's fault.
Some husbands are abusive; but 90% of all divorces are needlessly caused by a sinfully proud wife who causes grief for her husband, and he gets mad. "
And my point is proven.
@Lucilius: One word: CHYNA.
Yeah, there is a reason. They need help. You can't just punch a coworker because they annoyed you or because you were in a bad mood that day, so why is it OK to hit your wife or kids? Even if your wife did something 'wrong' surely there's a better way to deal with it?
Making up statistics is lying. Maybe you should look up the statistics for spousal abuse and alcohol. You're not too keen on alcohol are you Mr. Stewart? So you're telling us that a woman whose husband drinks,then comes home and beats her because his sports team lost that day shouldn't leave him? You are crazy.
Maybe if you worked at a battered women's shelter for one day, you would learn what those women (not saying there aren't men who also suffering from spousal abuse too) have been through. They aren't 'sinfully proud' they are people who have bravely made the decision to protect themselves and their children.
90% of all divorces are needlessly caused by a sinfully proud wife who causes grief for her husband, and he gets mad.
And it's just a coincidence that 90% of the time she gets him mad, it's when he's on his third six-pack. Show me a guy who beats his wife, and 9 times out of 10 I'll show you a nasty drunk.
And statements like this are exactly why, at the age of 19 I was told by the court to consider a restraining order against my own family as they kept telling my ex where I was hiding.
Shall I say, at least thankfully they did it from a "don't cause trouble" standpoint and not a fundie standpoint so after about seven years of me not talking to them at all they started to get the hint.
Stewart... why don't you get thrown through some sheetrock walls, locked in a closet, and raped for a few years? Then later, you can discover you have a permanent and VERY painful muscular disorder because you "caused your partner grief." Because I have and hell doesn't scare me at all now.
(a mind far far away)
"@Lucilius: One word: CHYNA."
Mmmm. Joanie Laurer. *pant, pant, pant...insert anime nosebleed here*
She can power-lift me whenever she wants.
As for Dickhead J. Stink here, there's not much I can say about him that hasn't already been said in this thread. I mostly just wanted to drool over mental images of Chyna. *grins*
as a man who truly loves women, not just sexually but as people, you'd best hope i never bump into you. because if i do, i will and i mean I WILL DESTROY YOU!!! scum like this deserved to be drop kicked from a great height. a statistic for you mr god fucker. 200 women died this christmas in the uk as a result of violence, and you are actually CONDONING this behavior. given the opportunity i would torture you nice and slowly, and then for every woman worldwide thats been hurt by shit like you i would dedicate a single punch.
you are what is scientifically known as a cunt
Clearly Dave has never been beaten to a pulp by someone who's supposed to love him. News flash asshole, there is nothing a woman married to an abuser can do to avoid angering him - he will look for any reason to start a fight so he can hurt her. Abusers are insecure, self-loathing shitbags who take their feelings of inadequacy out on those smaller and weaker than themselves. But then I'm sure deep down you already know that since you are one. Fuck off and die.
As a survivor of domestic abuse and the friend of 2 women who are trying to escape from abusive situations AND as someone who worked for child services let me say, with the utmost sincerity, David J. Stewart: PLEASE, GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A RUSTY PIPE, TAKE A LONG WALK OFF A SHORT CLIFF AND DIE IN HOT EMBERS Thank you, and good night.
One thing I have to say about the comparison of the abusive spouse to the drunk is this. My ex never laid a hand on me when he was drinking, it was when he was sober that I had to be on my toes, so no, it doesn't always work that way, but I will say this about the original post:
The reason a partner is abusive is not the wife's (or husband's) fault. This is a blame the victim mentality and does nothing to solve the original problem. If anything, it makes it worse by making excuses for the men who do this kind of thing, and further trapping the women who have to live with them. This particular steaming pile of excuses needs to go in the trash, right alongside the misconception of "You married him, so now you have to live with him." "It'll be fine, just don't make him mad anymore." and "You should stay with him for the sake of the children." The fact is, physically, mentally, and sexually abusive spouses are abusive because that's what they've been taught is correct behavior, and they've been taught this by assholes like this. Then there's the misconception that domestic violence is a "woman's issue". It's an issue that should be addressed by everyone, not just women's rights groups. Domestic violence is caused by the men (and women) who abuse, but just as much it's caused by those that teach children abuse is acceptable behavior, by neighbors that turn up the volume on the TV to drown out the screams from next door, and by assholes like this who spend their time convincing women that if they make that sammich right, the monster they married might not beat them bloody tonight, and by those that defend and excuse the abusers. Domestic violence is a societal problem, not simply a women's problem.
but 90% of all divorces are needlessly caused by a sinfully proud wife who causes grief for her husband, and he gets mad.
You mean by a wife who dares to think that she is equal to her husband and not just his submissive "helpmeet"? ;)
I usually am not a violent person. However I have to say this: David J. Stewart, go fuck yourself a cactus, used for target practice for a rifle enthusiast, fucked by Bubba with a chainsaw, and then drown in flaming napalm.
DJS, I hope that one day, your wife gets the courage to insert a red hot poker up your asshole, then takes a very very sharp knife, and slices what little balls and dick you have right off. Based on his previous rants about young girls, and other shit he's written against women, I would love to take a look at the type of porn he has hidden on his computer
@Equalist: Well said.
You are a selfish, unfeeling monster, Stewart, and the rest of us sane human beings are ashamed to belong to the same species as you. Go drown in quicksand, you despicable, misogynistic waste of oxygen.
It's always OK to divorce when the other half is like you.
By the way, if any fundies are reading, always check that you and your future spouse are sexually compatible before you get married. Save a lot of problems later on. And fundie men, if your wife fucks and sucks other men, well just ask David J. Stewart for advice.
Again, as a moderate Christian who truly despises Fundamentalistm, please don't lump us all in with David J. Stewart. He's off his rocker. He gives Christians, men, and human beings in general a bad name. What a disgrace. Digusting; absolutely disgusting. That's the best way to describe David J. Stewart.
Fire's too good for him.
Something involving sandpaper, pepper sauce (that ultra-hot Indian pepper!), and what passes for his privates, now...
@ Matt
Rest assured I know that most Christians are decent people, the vast majority in fact. And I know how much the louts give all of you a bad name. I do feel sorry for you Matt and all the millions like yourself who have to put-up with these idiots.
Anything I write in these comments is purely to do with fundamentalism, and is no reflection on the lives of ordinary Christian folk at all. I expect the same goes for everyone else here.
Take care, Pule.
@Pule Thamex
I agree 100%.
OK, David, you just flat out admitted that, even in your fucked-up worldview, ten percent of divorces are justified, but you also, as phrased, apparently hold divorce due to abuse to be absolutely unjustifiable. Would you care to explain what mechanism guarantees that no abusive relationship will ever fall into that 10%?
From later on in this scumbag's page:
I agree wholeheartedly with Mrs. John R. Rice (wife of the great evangelist Dr. John R. Rice), who said that 90% of all divorces is the wife's fault, because God created the wife to be a HELP MEET for her husband (Genesis 2:18).
I guess most of that is not a surprise, but... we don't even deserve to have our own given names now?
I don't get why some of you FSTDT people riposte with abuse and violent imaginings to Stewart's rantings. He is just a sad excuse for a human being, and there's no hope of him meeting his just deserts but wishing torture and death on him is also sad. People like him are beyond redemption, so are best ignored.
Having said that, I wouldn't complain if 90% of an anvil fell off a tall building on to his head.
"Whatever amount of money it would cost to persuade my beloved Sidney Crosby (from the NHL's Pittsburgh Penguins) to visit David J. Stewart, with instructions to 'treat him like you did Boris Valabik,' it would be worthwhile."
Glad as I am to see that you seem to be a Penguins fan, as I am, I'd say David J. Stewart would instead be more deserving of taking the place of Clint Malarchuk .
WARNING to those who don't already know what I'm talking about:
This is a fairly graphic incident. If you've recently eaten anything, you might want to postpone clicking the above link for a little while.
Well, sure, wives can make their husbands mad, but any REAL man would KNOW not to lay their hands on them! There's NO excuses for domestic abuse!
"Why" is a husband being abusive, probably because he's a piece of shit who needs to grow up and deal with emotions through compromise and not his fists.
AuroraMike: "This very statement is a perfect example of how religion in general but the Abrahamic trio in particular, have demonized women and relegated them strictly to vaginal life-support for the sole purpose of making babies, cooking and cleaning."
Uhhh... no. Neither Christianity nor Judaism demonizes women, nor do they advocate spousal abuse or women sitting at home and doing nothing but birthing kids and housework. There's the wife in Proverbs who *gasp* goes out and buys property and conducts a business. No shrinking violet there. There's the Song of Solomon, which is all about great, NON-abusive, consensual sex between a man and woman. There's St. Paul's admonition to LOVE your wives and be willing to die for them. I doubt that any of that includes using them as punching-bags.
David J. Stewart in no way reflects the Bible or mainstream Christianity's perspective on women or marital relationships.
@ Gadfly
I have to agree with Aurora. Most religions, particularly the Abrahamic ones, DO breed societies that demonize women. Let's just say that the Bible and Koran don't say anything bad about women. Why then do so many societies that have embraced those religions turn out women-oppressive laws?
Besides, there may be a few sweet or moving stories in the Bible and Koran. But the majority are sick. (My favorite example is the story in the Bible of the woman and girl who were raped to death by a mob while the father and husband were safe inside.)
It takes two people to prove Poe's Law. David is the Yang. Somewhere, out there, unrecognizable to all, is his trickster Yin.
I have witness my mother in D.V and I feel horribly guilty about not saving her (I was 5) because of her experience she taught me to do this to men like you:
"smack them and break them physically, mentally and emtionally... till they cower like a dog in a corner...then laugh at them. Then tell him that is how D.V is like"
My mother is a very stereotypical tiny Asian woman but dear God she is revengeful!
'Is it ok to divorce an abusive spouse? No! ... Such a wife needs to sincerely ask herself "why" her husband is being abusive--there's ALWAYS a reason.'
Yes, it's often because they are control-freak FUNDY assholes who are told by their filthy pastors/preachers that they have the right, and maybe even the obligation, to 'keep the women & children 'in line' and tell them what to do'.
'90% of all divorces are needlessly caused by a sinfully proud wife who causes grief for her husband, and he gets mad.'
Every word of this.....BULLSHIT. Go fuck yourself with a sharpened broom handle, David. You deserve to rot in a pit of funnel-web spiders.
The words "die in a fire", "fuck you sideways with a rusty rake", and other very graphic phrases do not even begin to describe my loathing for this attitude.
This... I can't even call him anything even remotely suggesting he's human... thing makes me ashamed to have a cock.
Oh, so you're saying my sister is wrong to want to divorce her husband who was abusive toward both her AND her three children (aged nine, four, and three)? It is rare you will see me say this on this website, and I actually believe this is my first time....
I don't suppose he ever considered the possibility that some men are just naturally assholes, with such low self-esteem that they have to beat on weaker people to feel halfway adequate... nahhh.
I have two Bible verses for him, though:
"Judas went out and hanged himself" - - "Go, thou, and do likewise"
This is way out of context. (But it hardly matters, becouse its basicly the message either way to read it. This versions just shorter.) Also, fuck you Dave. i would just love to see you try saying that shit to my boyfreind. He would use his fucking blackbelt to wipe the floor with you.
This deserves repeating:
#844746 / LabRat
"The reason is generally that the man is still a child who is throwing a temper tantrum because every little thing didn't go his way but since he can't fight anyone his own size he hits someone he is sure won't hit back. (Same goes for women who abuse their husbands btw)."
At one time I got so angry during an argument with my husband, that I felt like hurting him. I did what every sane person would do - I walked out the door at once, and walked around and around the block, until the anger had subsided.
In Sweden it's considered child abuse if one parent abuses the other parent. A very serious aggravating circumstance in a custody settlement.
Dear God,
Why do men scorn women?
I say if A man abuses his wife then the wife should divorce the ba$%&**d. I am sure Jesus would understand Dave, and if a man abuses his wife then he is not a man but just a little boy in need of dire help. If you have a wife I hope she left you! For her sakes and dont you dare call the woman a hypocrite! Take a look at yourself? What are you an angel? Good for her if she left you!!!! Oh and Dave Paul said, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Go read some of that sometime BIG BOYYY!
I agree with you!
Eat crap, go f**k yourself with a razor, take a bath in hydrochloric acid, die in a fire, rot in a hole, fall in a nest of pissed-off cobras, jump off a cliff...you get the idea-I usually don't hate people, but I'm willing to make an exception for you...wait, here's a loophole-you're not a freakin' person! You make me SICK, you sorry excuse of a human being! I sincerely hope that you are single because NOBODY deserves a demon monster like you!
Odd, no spam from Stewart's female groupies begging us to listen to him.
Could it be that they believe this "prophet of god" is wrong on this point?
I can't... Buggles... you know the drill.
*Jeffy, using Tom's shoulders as a support, aims a flamethrower at David J. Stewart's head. The dude disappears in a whisp of smoke while screaming in agony.*
Thanks guys. Just what I needed.
David J. Stewart, you are a sick excuse of a man and I bet you probably beat your wife! You and your wife are supposed to be a union, a (very equal) partnership; if you're not happy about your marriage, just get a goddamn divorce; YOU DON'T EVER LAY A HAND ON YOUR WIFE OR ANY OTHER WOMAN EVER AGAIN!!! You make me sick! And FUCK YES, it is OK to get a goddamn divorce because, seriously, what if an abusive husband eventually starts killing his wife? If anyone has an abusive spouse, that person must LEAVE NOW!!! Plus, I doubt that you have a penis, so you're not even a real man at all; you're just a beast because only a beast will abuse women; real men don't do that! Oh, your poor wife, whatever she has to wake up to every single morning...I'm quite surprised that she didn't even faint at the sight of you. I bet that your disgusting, backwards stupidity could be enough to even make other lunatics like Doug Phillips, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Geoff Botkin and his daughters (Anna Sofia and Elizabeth, to be exact), Doug Wilson, Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort and even Jennie Chancey sound like decent Christians (when, really, they're just as crazy as your disgusting, uneducated, ignorant, knuckle-dragging ass)! Anyway, if you really want to live somewhere where women (and even young girls) are considered nothing, then I highly suggest that you try moving to Afghanistan or something (just make sure that you're brave enough to move there)!
As usual, it's all black and no white, and no shades of gray. The only reason a woman would leave a husband is he laughed at her hat. If Steward were the one getting love taps with a rolling pin every night, he'd change his tune. I hate to disillusion certain people, but life doesn't always come in neat little packages you can figure out with 2 mismatched scripture verses.
As usual, it's all black and no white, and no shades of gray. The only reason a woman would leave a husband is he laughed at her hat. If Steward were the one getting love taps with a rolling pin every night, he'd change his tune. I hate to disillusion certain people, but life doesn't always come in neat little packages you can figure out with 2 mismatched scripture verses.
As usual, it's all black and no white, and no shades of gray. The only reason a woman would leave a husband is he laughed at her hat. If Steward were the one getting love taps with a rolling pin every night, he'd change his tune. I hate to disillusion certain people, but life doesn't always come in neat little packages you can figure out with 2 mismatched scripture verses.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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