"If atheism can’t even answer a simple question like that, why would anyone trust it further?"
I must answer that question with several of my own...
Why would ANYONE, athiest or not belive a text that claims the Earth is only 6000 years old, when we know it's not? Why would ANYONE trust a text that claims the entire human race came from the incestouos relations of one family (i.e. Adam & Eve) when we KNOW it's genetically impossible...especially when the evidence of evolution is all around us (take a look at a dog and explain why they don't look like wolves for example...why doesn't your bible explain "selective breeding")? Why would ANYONE in their right mind trust an organization such as "the church" which, for 1500 years claimed the Earth was not only flat, but also harrassed and even murdered those who claimed otherwise, despite PROOF around 300 B.C. that the Earth was indeed round? Why would ANYONE trust the words of a man who didn't write ANY of those words himself (i.e. Jesus...there is no scroll or "book" of Jesus...everything about Jesus comes to us SECOND HAND from texts 800 years AFTER the fact!).
These are but just a few examples...the slightest tip of the iceburg, there are MANY MANY MORE! I'm not an athiest, I do believe in a sense of deity, but I have to ask, how can ANYONE with an ounce of intelligence believe all of this misinformation and outright lies, let alone do so without question when you KNOW it's wrong? We KNOW how life evolved on this planet (look up the Miller-Urrey Experiment at the University of Chicago), we KNOW the Earth is several MILLION years old, not 6000 years as some of you would claim and we KNOW there is not one thing...not one piece of factual evidence to even suggest that ANY of the extraordinary claims of your bible have any so called "truth" to them what so ever. I beg you to stop being mindless "servents" for just a moment and think about these things. These things I say are facts, not belief or mysticism...I beg you to go look them up! There is no sin in knowing the facts!
Lastly, let me ask you this...how many species of this planet have been slaughtered to extincition by "good Christians" who believe their freakin' God gave us all of this to use, trash and destroy as we please? After all, if God created all of this, he can just as easily replace anything that we destroy right? Isn't a planet Earth WITHOUT a God much much more precious? Just how many more have to die in the name of your Christian God and how much more damage must be done to this planet and all the life that shares it with us before you people will wake up and realize THIS IS WRONG?!?!
Enjoy your laurels...I don't think I could.