(in regards to Expelled being sued for use of Lennon song)
Because most people don't understand it. That's how brainwashed this country is. Most everybody thinks they have relatives at the local zoo. Ben Stein has more guts than any other liberal a-hole in Hollywood.
Yeah, it takes guts to use a copywrited song without permission. We should all just be able to do whatever the hell we want, all in the name of god, of course.
You don't use somebody else's stuff without permission. Fundies, for all their talk about conservative values, don't seem to understand that simple principle. You want to use somebody else's song, you get permission or else you don't do it. You want to use somebody else's property to put up a Christmas scene, you get permission or else you don't do it. You want to use somebody else's employees to lead school prayers, you get permission or else you don't do it.
Whether or not people understand the movie, has nothing to do with copyright law. You use a song, you get permission, it's that simple.
But of course its always a liberal commie atheist satanist plot, isn't it.
This man should go into politics, he'd be fantastic there.
It reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Lois was elected mayor because she answered every policy question with "9/11". Of course, fundies don't watch Family Guy, so this guy must have got it independently.
Fundies and politicians have always been good at dodging difficult questions by giving a totally unrelated answer that still sounds nice.
"Most everybody thinks they have relatives at the local zoo."
Yet Wayne is the one spazzing out and tossing shit around. Ironic, no?
Unfortunately for Ben Stein and you Wayne, most people understand it perfectly. Stealing another person's property, be it a car, a horse, or a song, is illegal. It is especially offensive if it is used in a manner that the writer disagreed with or promote an idea that the writer viewed as incorrect or false. "Expelled" is the perfect example of brainwashing because it is a propaganda piece(and a very poor one) trying to masquerade as a documentary.
"Ben Stein has more guts than any other liberal a-hole in Hollywood."
"any other liberal a-hole" implies that Ben Stein is a "liberal a-hole." He may be an a-hole, but he is not a liberal. Wayne, even a moron like you should be able to keep that straight.
anevilmeme wrote
This does raise the question does Stein actually believe the bullshit he's spewing?
Well, as he used to be a political speech writer I think we can all take an educated guess at the answer to that...
You realise that this whole "Laws don't apply to us because we answer to a higher power than any Earthy authority" attitude is just one of many reasons why religions are horribly dangerous things that need to be stamped out ASAP, right?
What's that? Oh, the Flying Spaghetti Monster just told me to kill you, Wayne. I know it's illegal, but I don't recognise any legal system because the FSM outranks them- you, however, aren't allowed to resist while I cut off your limbs one by one, because that would be a sin.
Most" everybody thinks they have relatives at the local zoo"
Yes, I do have relatives there. Extremely distant cousins. They're called chimpanzees, have you heard of them?
And exactly how does this relate to copyright infringement?
You realise that this whole "Laws don't apply to us because we answer to a higher power than any Earthy authority" attitude is just one of many reasons why religions are horribly dangerous things that need to be stamped out ASAP, right?
Not to mention that Jebus himself told them to obey the laws, pay their taxes and so on... (of course, that didn't prevent him to send his disciple steal a donkey for him, but...)
"Because most people don't understand it."
Understand what, copyright law?
"Most everybody thinks they have relatives at the local zoo."
Becasue we do. Don't blame me. God, unsatisfied with planting fossils neatly in every strata, has upped his game and faked clear familial relationships in all genomes sequenced thus far.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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