David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Thank God Hillary Clinton Didn't Become President!
She's was once Secretary of State, a known lesbian and murderer, which at one time gave her more power than U.S. President.
Many people thought that Hilary was headed for the White House in 2016. We've seen much wickedness in the White House ever since President George H. Bush took office. He got rid of everyone in key positions and hired his own people, who were loyal to the New World Order. The Wall Street gang have hi-jacked The White House! It all began with Jimmy Carter, a total sell-out and a weak President. Bush Sr. was their real foot in the door. Sad to say, Hillary was more of a man than all of them combined, and praise God that she didn't become U.S. President. Criminals have hi-jacked the U.S. government and most citizens are too dumbed-down by the media, and gullible, to see the handwriting on the wall. We're going down as a nation! Please watch, A NATION IN PERIL.
News journalist Glenn Beck had predicted that Hillary would become U.S. President. Beck is a member of the Mormon sex-cult, a satanic religion rooted in the Jewish mysticism of Kabbalah. Truth is stranger than fiction!
The worst doomsday won't be December 21, 2012, it will be the inauguration of the next liberal Democrat President into the White House. The U.S. will continue to have more wicked Presidents. I am fully convinced that the Antichrist may appear as an American President. President Barack Obama wowed the world, having the creepy idolization of the masses, as if he might be the very Antichrist (which he is not). And of course, Mr. Obama was re-elected in 2012. The 2012 Presidential election was determined by the Presidential Electors on December 17, 2012. Talk about a weird coincidence... December 21, 2012 was just 4 days later!!!
Criminals have taken over our government. JFK was assassinated 10 days after warning the public that criminals were plotting to infiltrate the White House to destroy American's freedoms, and so it is today. Bush Sr., then Bill Clinton, then Bush Jr., then Obama, and now Donald Trump are keeping the criminal empire going. Don't fall for Mr. Trump's rhetoric, he is an elite insider, catering to Wall Street's interests. There has been a coup of the U.S. government. President Kennedy tried to warn us. The elite Bilderberg group decides who will be the next U.S. President. All modern U.S. Presidents are chosen, groomed and appointed at elite Bilderberg meetings. They must protect their interests.
The day that a lesbian dyke rules our nation will be the end of our country! Say goodbye to your children, your liberties, your guns, your healthcare, your national sovereignty, and expect to see same-sex marriage legalized by the Godless puppets on the Supreme Court. They're the Supreme Joke! Everything is so corrupt today. Who really controls our nation?