GloryBound #fundie
Righteous indignation? I once called what has been so self righteously criticized herein as my gmethodology,h as righteous anger, but in introspection, I have been informed that it is more like righteous indignation.
I have been called many names by the atheists, and lately, by many of those who call themselves my brothers and sisters, one in particular which even chose to use foul language when I finally convinced him to use the PM, rather than the public forum when he had a bone to pick with me. One who had previously informed me that he was told in scripture to rebuke me in public, while all along, ignoring the fact that that passage refers to what is to be done in a Church, not in an atheists forum like this.
You think my posts are harsh?
You think my words are unloving?
Many of you think Hell Fire is non existent too, that Satan doesnft exist.
You also think that a loving God wouldnft put anyone in Hell.
Some, even have the nerve to call themselves Christians, who think this sewage.
Brotherc. Sisterc. Sinnerfs tooc. YOU HAVENfT HEARD, OR READ ANYTHING YET!
I define the term gto thinkh as follows; to subject to the processes of logical thought * to think things out.* There is simply no logic associated with thinking, or rather, coming to the conclusion, that there is no Creator.
As to my words being gunloving,h God is Love, and though the atheist and agnostic may think, or think they think they know love, they are professing an ABSOLUTE CONTRADICTION, A BLATANT LIE GENERATED BY THEIRS, WHO IS THE FATHER OF ALL LIARS, for God is love, and without God, there is no love. They may posses care and concern, even lust, but where there is no God, there is no love, and you can argue the point if you wish, but the fact that you choose to argue it, proves your inability to understand, for those who are not of the Spirit CANNOT understand that which is of the Spirit.
As for the brothers and sisters who choose to side with those who are not of the Spirit on this and other matters such as the apostates damnation, and the fact that is impossible to renew him/her to repentance, and state that God can do anything, I can simply say, g I know He can, but just how likely do you think it is that He is going to go against His own word? Will he allow these fools of all fools, to crucify His Son a second time?