Science affirms the Bible it does not refute it. The Earth is 4.5 Billion years old apx. If you bothered to read Genesis you would see that God made the heavens and the Earth. The Earth became empty and lifeless and it was then that He made it fit for life again. That means that there was life previous to that first day here.
Of course there was life previous to that first day here.
And it's still here. Just sleeping, waiting until the stars are right.
Science affirms the Bible it does not refute it.
Bats are not birds, insects have more than four legs, and rabbits don't chew cud. You lose.
And some of them are still here, with their presence being kept hidden by nameless mysterious cults in which they are worshipped.
You can find remnants of their buildings hidden deep under the desert sand, in the deepest depths of the oceans or encased in the eternal ice of antarctica. But beware if you find them, because it might result in a loss of your sanity
"O R'lyeh?"
Ia R'lyeh!
@A Friend:
At least they aren't reinterpreting the scientific research to suit their beliefs. The have their two priorities in order. Science then religion.
A lot of people I know take it as metaphorical, so I'm not so sure it really is fundie, it's more just someone making a deviation in their belief to make it suit the reality that surrounds them. Which is kinda the opposite of a fundie.
This person sees flaws in their bible, so they are disregarding the 'facts' in the bible, and merely reinterpreting their religious findings to suit the new findings.
Well everything except the first sentence. (I really must say well done to whoever chose this quote and didn't take it out of context).
The first verses of Genesis do give translators some problems. The current idea is that the opening words are a phrase attached to the main clause of the sentence, rather than a sentence in its own right.
The reading then would be "In the beginning, while God was creating the earth, it was formless and empty.."
This suggests the idea that God created out of existing chaos - chaos which is somehow outside of God.
Perhaps "myturn59" is aware of this latest scholarship - yet somehow I doubt it...
Moving those goalposts again, eh? Even the Catholic church had to admit Galileo was right after all, and in recent years had to accept the concept of expansion of the universe. And of course very recently, they had to admit that Limbo was merely a 'theological concept' (which doesn't say much for the rest of their established dogma!).
So, when will you fundies realise that Darwin was right all along? Maybe this will push you in the right direction:
FACT: Humans share at least 98% of their DNA with chimpanzees.
Try and move THOSE goalposts, fundies. If you can.
Science affirms the Bible it does not refute it.
The earth is not set on pillars above "the deep", and is not held in place, since it constantly moves. Also, there is no "firmament" above the earth on which the stars are stuck on.
The bible says that camels, hares and rabbits all have cloven hooves(none actually do) and chew cud (only camels do). More stupid stuff from the babbel include: Insects with 4 legs, bats classified as birds, and the notion that a fully grown man can be swallowed whole by a fish, and consiously survive for 3 days inside it's stomach.
The bible is wrong about damn near everything back to front, and you asserting otherwise does not make it true.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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