God works in different ways God has food for the hungry its the people who need to bring it to them and its said a vision came to someone the person for the cure of Aids was abortioned.
If god's go-to guy for curing AIDS was abortioned I'm pretty sure he could just pick a different one. He's all-powerful right?
And wait, didn't he send the AIDS to punish the gays?
Umm... no one person will cure aids it will be a team of researchers.
And if god has food for the hungry, the people are still hungry. I don't taunt my dog with a treat from across a continent.
Okay, give me a moment so I understand this properly...
1. God, instead of simply increasing the farming capabilities of land in countries that need it, send people with boxes of rice and kraft dinner? Thus allowing thousands of people to die in many countries at an unbelievable rate! This god of your's, sucks.
2. So a friend-of-a-friend of yours told you that they had a vision of a person that would have been born and would have discovered the cure for AIDS, but was aborted as a fetus? Proof that this was a vision, and not just a dream?
I mean, I have "visions" of sleeping with John Barrowman, but Im sadly disapointed each day to find out it was just a dream... so far! But one day.. one day...
@Mortok: Mmhmmm.... That man could make me do anything with his smile! :P
I wish fundies, or people in general would put a little more effort into punctuation. I know I'm not the best, but FFS, everytime I read this fundie quote it hurts my head.
Actually, there have already been about 3 occasions where scientists have been able to cure people of the HIV-virus. You fail.
For article see here:http://www.metro.se/se/article/2008/11/13/09/4927-57/index.xml
For those of you who doesn't know Swedish it says that a certain type of HIV can be cured by bone marrow-transplants because of a mutation in the virus that stops it from "sticking" to receptors in the cells. About 1000 known people in the US and Europe has this mutation.
The person in the article still shows no signs of the virus since his treatment finished 20 months ago.
The guy was born in the US and treated in Germany.
@Dman, Mortok
yah, boo, sucks
I've KISSED John Barrowman
OK not a snog, but a good night peck...
and his smile is dreamy, he's cuter in person, and a nice guy.
Ok, I can sort of agree with this part. He does have a point. We can, and should help the poor and hungry...
"God works in different ways God has food for the hungry its the people who need to bring it to them"
The rest is batshit insane
So, no free will then. God gave us one single person who was destined to cure AIDS, we screwed up, that's it. Wow. Feel the love.
So god put the correct idea of the cure of aids into someone who was aborted? What an asshole. What if one of those aborted kids would have had the ability to lead MANY Christians back to atheism?
Your god works in tyranical ways.
"and its said a vision came to someone the person for the cure of Aids was abortioned."
Since many of your brethren believe AIDS is a punishment from god for homosexuality/sexual promiscuity; it's possible god approves of this abortion.
Dman: This isn't about John Barrowman, but he is cute.
Anyway, I'm agreeing with your first comment. I run a food pantry and everyone is always saying how God has sent us so much food (especially this holiday season) and how God provides for us, etc. I am always wondering if God is so powerful why am I and everyone else at the pantry the middle (wo)man, why can't everyone just have enough to eat? Plus God didn't have to raise the money to buy the food, unload all the food from trucks, etc. Seems a very complicated system for an all powerful diety.
Of course no one really agrees with me, just that God works in mysterious ways and we can't question his ways.
No I never sent aids as punishment for any. also read your own Bible, never once have I mentioned abortion,but you're probably reading the mistranslated King James version, haven't bothered checking it out. The original Hebrew is the correct one.
Edit:when enraged even a perfect god can make a mistake.
There is this thing called a comma: ","
If you use it, it will not make your writings appear as the raving musing of a madman.
#1. Please. Please. I beg of you, learn basic English grammar before attempting to write anything. Hell, if you'll agree to do just this one thing, I swear to you, I will even re-look at all the evidence for your God you wish to show me and seriously consider it.
#2. Coincidentally enough, this person who could cure AIDS that was aborted is the exact same person who is supposed to give me $5 billion dollars. Damned "abortionists".
"a vision came to someone the person for the cure of Aids was abortioned."
Your god isn't particularly far-sighted, is he?
"Abortioned"? Ahahaha.
It's spelled "aborted".
Anyway, it sounds as though the person who supposedly had the vision just had a penchant for tasteless jokes.
What is he trying to say, here?
@ Headache
And they say drugs are bad?
I've smoked weed since 1972 and I have never sounded as bad as you. Personally, I think religion is much worse than drugs and you are doing one heck of a job affirming my belief.
Dude, I've never heard stoner-babble that even came *close* to this guy's incoherent ... ::cringe:: sentence. (And I use the word *very* loosely). Damn, what is he *on*?
A vision came to me, supposedly from YHVH, saying that any man calling himself russellpeltierjr is a false prophet and a heretic, and should be burned to death.
Thankfully I don't believe in god so you're safe.
"its said a vision came to someone...."
Oh, well, it MUST be true then!
@apYrs: "I've KISSED John Barrowman"
I should have guessed from your nickname you were Welsh. I bet you spend all your days hanging around Cardiff Docks when the Beeb are filming!
How about you use your celebrity-attracting powers for the wider benefit of humanity and send me Winona Ryder? I'll even pay the taxi fare.
"God has food for the hungry its the people who need to bring it to them"
And yet, your lot goes ballistic when some one mentions welfare and government aid.
"...its said a vision came to someone..."
Pardon me if I don't find that statement to be very convincing.
"...the person for the cure of Aids was abortioned."
Your god must be very ineffectual, especially for a being that is supposed to be omniscient.
Some fetuses would've died with the mother.
This isn't the "your birthday is the day your mother died" kind of death, it is more like "Madam. The fetus is causing complications that would put its life and your life at risk. You might only have X months to life unless you agreed to an abortion."
Even then if it wasn't a life threatening scenario, if it was simply an unwanted pregancy. Well, that scenario there is a good reason not to. But it would cause significant economic problems if the procedure was banned entirely.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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