Compromise is never a good thing for Christians when confronted with sly suggestions from the devil that God didn't really sssssssssay what He said, or that He is not God unless He conformssssssss to their liking, or when he invites them to quessssssstion God's goodness and motives.
Which is exactly what changing the world to the secular regressssssssssive utilitarian utopian worldview boilssssssss down to.
And I really don't think MSN is infecting my computer with a virus (except attempting to poison my mind) by plastering a "change agent" banner across the top of the headlines page when I sign on.
I hate phonetic accents in type. I loathe them with a vengeance. If anything can be said to be the work of the Devil (for me, anyway), it is typing in phonetics.
I'm even ignoring the total paranoia of this post in favour of hating those ss strings.
"Compromise is never a good thing for Christians when confronted with sly suggestions from the devil that God didn't really sssssssssay what He said, or that He is not God unless He conformssssssss to their liking, or when he invites them to quessssssstion God's goodness and motives."
I seek no compromise with religious persons. If I say 2+2 is 4 and you say it's 6, we are no better off if we agree that it's 5.
"Which is exactly what changing the world to the secular regressssssssssive utilitarian utopian worldview boilssssssss down to."
A utilitarian utopia sounds pretty good to me, especially when compared to your plan.
P.S. The "S" key on your keyboard has an annoying malfunction.
"And I really don't think MSN is infecting my computer with a virus (except attempting to poison my mind) by plastering a "change agent" banner across the top of the headlines page when I sign on."
Good. Now let's work on not poisoning the minds of the world's population with your religious twaddle.
Compromise is never a good thing for Christians when confronted with sly suggestions from the devil that God didn't really sssssssssay what He said
I agree. When you actually hear from the devil and you actually know what God said, come back and tell us. On the other hand, if you just hear something that disagrees with your beliefs and you assume it was the devil, or you read some crap in the Bible and think it was what God said because that's what you learned in kindergarten Bible school, then you're a fundie idiot.
Compromise has been part of the scenery of religion for as long as religion's been around. For examples of christians compromising, answer the following questions: How many people have been stoned to death for adultery? How many people have been beaten to death for working on the sabbath? If you answered “0” to either or both of those questions, you have compromised on you’re the bible god’s laws.
Oh, the serpentine and sibilant sentences so stimulate my senses.
When you have sssssssssomething to ssssssssay without ssssssssssspitting all over my sssssssssshirt, we can talk.
Too late, dependent one; all that hissing proves you've already been possessed by that ole' serpent Satan. Or are you merely channeling Gollum? In either case, no one should pay any attention to what you ssssssssssssssssssay.
Hey buddy, say it, don't spray it. We want the news, not the weather.
(Hey, somebody had to post this.)
there are some languages that have the rule of "Write as you speak, and read as it is written". This post is still damn annoying, though.
"My preciousss, it burnss, it burnss usss." way of writting never brought anything good to the person that used it.
SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! It's a SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, it's a snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!!
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger ...
I suppose this guy thinks he is clever, but I imagine if the devil actually existed, he'd be able to speak proper English and not sound like a retard. Cause you know, he's the Incarnation of Ultimate Evil and all.
Klungo, how could you?!
Your keyboard is faulty.
So is your brain.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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