My statements eat at the cold blooded pedaphile child torturing abortionists up. Their weak sad evil arguments is to throw up the strawman term. They don't like it when others are shamed away from joining them in raping, molesting, burning, ripping, and killing innocent children.
Ripped apart babies, burn to death babies, and babies living after being delivered earlier than the other babies abortionists joyfully in arousing glee get excited about torturing slowly to death, is no strawman argument. They female dogs and girly sissy boy men pansie abortionists, after all, are driven by their out of control lusts seeking to torture the most innocent of children for monies to give to their perverted causes. Adolf Hitler could have used them as Gestapo Death Camp Nazi officers overseeing the poison gas showers and cremation ovens. They would have run the factories that made shoes out of the skins of holocost victims. Abortionists are experts at implimenting holocosts.
Hey, as a screed, this is pretty fucking good! I bet this is quoted at all the NaziGestapoDeath Jesus camps in Dumbfuckistan.
Rev, you need to work "Pillage&Plunder" into that somehow.
My statements eat at the cold blooded felinephile kitten torturing zippocat <3'ers up. Their weak sad evil arguments is to throw up the furry term. They don't like it when others are shamed away from joining them in raping, molesting, burning, ripping, and killing innocent kittens.
Ripped apart cats, burn to death kittens, and kittens living after being delivered earlier than the other kittens lolcat hijackers joyfully in arousing glee get excited about torturing slowly to death, is no furry argument. They female dogs and girly sissy boy men pansie catkillers, after all, are driven by their out of control lusts seeking to torture the most innocent of kittens for internets to give to their perverted causes. Adolf Hitler could have used them as Gestapo Death Camp Nazi officers overseeing the poison gas showers and cremation ovens. They would have run the factories that made shoes out of the skins of holocat victims. gurocat fans are experts at implimenting holocats.
Show me one: read: ONE abortion doctor that does anything more than suck the fetus off the wall of the uterus, and I'll show you one that should be fired. And at the point that most are aborted, they aren't alive to begin with.
My statements eat at the cold blooded pedaphile child torturing priests up. Their weak sad evil arguments is to throw up the strawman term. They don't like it when others are shamed away from joining them in raping, molesting, burning, ripping, and killing innocent children.
Ripped apart babies, burn to death babies, and babies living after being delivered earlier than the other babies. God joyfully in arousing glee get excited about torturing slowly to death, is no strawman argument. It female dogs and girly sissy boy men pansie god, after all, are driven by their out of control lusts seeking to torture the most innocent of children for monies to give to their perverted followers. Adolf Hitler could have used them as Gestapo Death Camp Nazi officers overseeing the poison gas showers and cremation ovens. They would have run the factories that made shoes out of the skins of holocost victims. God is an expert at implimenting holocosts.
Excuse me, but that didn't even resemble coherent sentences. I have no idea how anyone could find the skillset necessary in order to anally rape the english language to such an extent, and for that Revdaneeidson, you deserve praise. You are obviously able to string together words and sentences in your mind, yet show remarkable skill in not being able to communicate them in an intelligible fashion. However, for the meaning behind your incoherent diatribe you deserve nothing better than ridicule and disgust.
Yes, you disgust me, and frankly, I find your bigotry and misanthropy to be nothing short of atrocious. I am admittedly an atheist, and as such you probably see me as something in between the antichrist and a dung beetle. However, I am also a humanist. I wish for nothing more than for humankind to grow up and find their place in the cosmos, to outgrow this need for ancient superstitions and needless violence between factions. You, on the other hand, and others like you, seem to think that this world has been created for us to abuse as we see fit. That our collective actions have no meaning in the long run because your deity of choice personally gave you mandate to strip-mine the Earth for all her resources while not giving a single thought for the eventual consequences.
Cont in part 2.
Part 2
Yes, you disgust me, yet I will still not sink to the level of likening you to Hitler nor will I wish fatal violence to befall you, because, as an atheist, I am better than that. I would, however, like to reprogram your severely bugged brain and try my best at instilling a desire and a will to the use of proper language and good will towards your fellow man (be they atheist, muslim or *horror* scientist).
You keep referring to "strawman arguments" made by those of us who are in support of "pro choice" - that people should be free to decide whether or not to allow their blastocyst to mature, yet you yourself have no arguments at all - strawman or otherwise. It would be nice, though, if you could actually present an argument which we could discuss - hell, I'd even settle for a strawman as then you'd at least have presented an actual standpoint regardless of how fallacious it would have been. Sadly this is not the case; you present a diatribe from which no real meaning can be derived, and that oozes bile, excrement and fantasies about the infliction of torture and death.
You are a horrible excuse of a human being, and I feel that you are undeserving of the label "person". I shall henceforth simply call you "entity" - that's all you will get.
let me put this in a way you'll understand /capson
THEY. ARE. NOT. (extra emphasis) FUCKING. (end emphasis) BABIES. /CAPSOFF. they're a lump of cells, they cant yet think or feel. It's not immoral, it doesn't make you evil, and it's actually a good thing in most cases. An unwanted child can completely ruin someone's life, and if the parent thinks that way, that's not a very happy kid. Where's your logic?
hmm. I'm a pedophile and would like to harm children... I know! I'll train for a few long, grueling years to become a doctor just so I can preform abortions, I'll go on kidnapping and torturing children as a hobby, but you just cant beat stopping a child from ever having existed.
This guy scares the living crap outta me! No-one let him near any real live babies, okay? Please?
What is with this "raping, molesting, burning, ripping, and killing innocent children"? I have read in the news lately about one abortion clinic (one! out of how many?) that had some truly sadistic practises. But not anywhere near anything this guy fantasizes about.
Brrr ... creepy, creepy, creepy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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