* Criticizing how Israel does things does not make one an Anti-Hebrew. Even Jews (including Rabbis) criticizing what Israel does. Being a Pink Floyd fan, I can't stand how a lot of folks are like "Roger Waters is an Anti-Hebrew".
* This does not mean I support the acts of terrorism and IslamoFrummery from Palestinians. Even if the root of it is based on some legitimate grievances, blowing up innocent civilians minding their own business is not an answer and many of these bombers are of the Wahhabi variety (and would love to also destroy Israel's relatively modern, secular-friendly society).
* I still feel that Israel shouldn't be trashing the Palestinians, bombing Palestinians and destroying Palestinian property to illegally build settlements on Palestinian land.
* The founding of Israel shouldn't have been at the expense of Palestinians. Also; It would've been better if Anti-Hebrewism was simply stamped out everywhere BIG TIME so the Jews wouldn't NEED a "homeland".
* Why can't Israeli and Palestinians co-exist and mingle? It's not a hard thing to do! Many folks in more ethnically diverse, non-Wingnutty parts of the USA do it all the time! Land is land! It knows not bigotry or ethnicity! It's stupid dirt and stuff! Why limit a country to just one group?! It's primitive, tribal, outmoded, the stuff of a bygone more ignorant time! Rename the country The Holyland and have both groups be equal full citizens living together! The Holyland will be simultaneously the homeland of Israelis AND Palestinians. It would be Israel AND Palestine AT THE SAME TIME! SHARE, DAMMIT! SHARE!
* Sadly; I think all this hate and insanity is stoked by outside interests (as is a lot of turmoil in the Mid-East, Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America). Why else would the Imperialist Colonial Robber Barons of yore divide up these lands in arbitrary ways (neglecting the varying tribal issues), totally screw up at "Winning Hearts & Minds", pocket the money meant for rebuilding these areas post-war (or do a bad job at rebuilding), take over Palestine in a ham-fisted way (to establish Israel) with no input from the Palestinians themselves, etc? Otherwise educated businessmen, military people, cartographers, etc. can't possibly be this stupid....THIS WAS ON PURPOSE AND MEANT TO DIVIDE THE POPULACE, KEEP THEM AT A DISADVANTAGE AND HOG ALL OF THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES WHILE GIVING THEM THE FINGER FOR DRIVING THE COLONIALS OUT (in the case of Africa). A stable, peaceful, prosperous, harmonious Mid-East, Africa, etc. is not good business and the greedy, ethnicist, macho willy-waving shitheels aren't interested in peacefully ASKING for the natural resources and working with the people.
* Robber Barons and their Arms Dealer partners could get all the wealth they want peacefully by ASKING AND WORKING WITH the nations who have a needed Natural Resource. They could easily embrace Green Technology and go from being "Big Oil" to "Big Green". They could easily switch to selling or producing alternatives. However, they wont because they are EVIL, LAZY, GREEDY, MACHO, TESTOSTERONE-POISONED SADISTS WHO THINK IT'S FUN THE SEE THE WORLD BURN! Earning more money for their hottie-as-hell-high-class hookers, piles of cocaine and gold & jewel-encrusted-whatever isn't fun unless there's some stuff blowing up to provide entertainment.
* It's a natural impulse for the human species to find a "them" to hate....Let's point every one to the REAL "THEM" TO HATE....
NOTE: We must keep in mind that this is NOT about hating ALL rich people or wealthy CEOs. That would also be prejudice and there are plenty of 1% types who are actually decent people and a wealthy person with a decent heart could do a LOT of good for the world. Many are involved in genuine charitable work as well as Progressive Politics. Not all "Corporates" are the same.
* George Soros has always been involved in giving to Progressive causes and is even seen as a "bogeyman" by the Far-Right.
* Bill Gates....while he was a more unethical and questionable person in the past....has now become very involved in various charities and works that benefit the less-fortunate as well as fighting for reforms in government.
* Warren Buffett is another ludicrously wealthy guy who's all about Progressive reforms and who demands that his fellow 1-Percenters pay their fair share.
* Numerous celebrities who have heavily contributed to and supported numerous Progressive and humanitarian causes. Sure; SOME might be doing it "for show" but many are serious about bettering the world.
* Loathing should be for the Pre-Ghost Scrooges, not the Post-Ghost Scrooges.
....So; The loathing should be for BAD RICH PIGGIES not GOOD RICH PEOPLE! I also prefer comparing the Robber Barons to "pigs" ('Rich Piggies') rather than "cats" ('Fat Cats') because cats are noble and beautiful.