SolarSon #conspiracy
Mars is very important in our history, since people of Earth have a direct lineage to people of Mars, its where Humans came from when populating Earth and mixing with other planetary races both from here and elsewhere.
The currently ongoing Mars Rovers mission is just a sham to keep you blinded from the real truth, presenting you with "interesting" bits here and there to keep you busy.
People are already traveling back and forth between Earth and Mars, and there is an ongoing collaboration between the Elite of the Earth, and Elite of Mars. Among other things, exchange of technology and resources. Earth is helping rebuilding and terraforming Mars.
The technology used is advanced and they travel directly without space crafts using teleportation or quantum portals. This is an interesting topic on its own, since teleportation is a naturally occurring phenomena. Ancients were even "using" teleportation to travel around, at least their highest leaders and elite of those days. Teleportation today is done through a combination of the natural sources for such along with technology to fine-tune it and control it properly.
Many important monuments and structures are built upon places on Earth where the natural sources, a form of energetic vortex, are found. Some call these spots for "grid points" and "ley lines" in alternative resources. These spots were favored in ancient days for their mystical properties, allowing strong and transforming spiritual experiences, which is why they usually built temples and holy places on such spots. Today, the elite are still constructing on such spots both for occult purposes and other practical uses, such as mentioned teleportation as well as time travel purposes.
Mars is also a representation of Atlantis, and the first real physical version of the whole Atlantis tale. As I mentioned earlier, mankind lives in a "loop" and are still reliving their ancient mistakes, and you also have an Earthly representation of Atlantis, its rise and fall, mimicing that of more ancient Mars.
Ancient structures on Earth are also architecturally designed in similar ways as those on Mars and elsewhere, and often also with patterns "pointing" at the real origins of Mankind, including other planets